Chapter 5

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Illumi was happy to see his brother slowly give in to the family profession while maintaining his true heart and emotions, something he could not do himself that still remained as a goal in his life.

He felt happy to have so many people help him achieve it.

Illumi began to drown in his thoughts in feelings that he was not aware of Killua calling his name over and over again, desperately trying to snap Illumi out of his phase.

"imu- illumi, illumi!" repeated Alluka, the unpatient girl slowly becoming irratated.

"hm?" Sputtered Illumi, his face a small hint of red, a tad bit embarrassed at the sudden occurrence.

"uh- sorry, I lost myself for a sec" Illumi muttered, his face stillslightly red.

"you know I will always be there to drown, stab, whip, dislocate, claw, chain, kill, and or torture anybody for you and anyone in my family. Except Milluki." reminded Illumi.

Killua and Alluka, who were schocked by the sudden love, sat there wide eyed on the roof, in bewilderment.

A odd silence loomed over the atmosphere and made the happy conversation instantly awkward.

Hisoka, who was not  a that fanatic of the current situation, suggested the idea of returning to their dimension and saying farewell until they got back.

Killua, who had already forgotten, felt his stomach relax remembering that they had a way to get home, and could leave at anytime, and it was even more relaxing knowing that time was paused and they were not missing anything back in their original world.

But then his stomach tightened and a unpleasant question popped into his head.

Just how did the killer couple get their way to this strange magic world if time was paused and just how did they find a way to get there AND just how do they know how to go back at any time?

Right before Killua could ask the questions, Hisoka grabbed Illumi by the wrist and dragged his back to the portal.

"wa- wait! I have a question!!" shrieked Killua, jumping up and chasing down the portal that the killer couple was headed to.

Hisoka waved a friendly goodbye hand, and jumped into the portal, pulling Illumi in the portal with him, knowing exactly what the ocean eyed boy was going to say.

Killua ran towards the portal, his hands reaching out, a cat - like face he made the scene even funnier.

 "NOOOOOOOoooooo-" Killua screamed as the swirling portal closed right as he reached it, the waves and swirls drowning deep in his blue eyes.

The ivory stumbled backwards, in shock, then screamed once again, this time saying, " nande!!! I hate that stupid clown baka!! NANDEE!"

The pale boy's tantrum was interrupted by Alluka, "shush or else Gon and the Potters will hear you!" she scolded.

A "sorry" dropped out of Killua's mouth and he gloomily jumped off the roof, and trudged back to the house before anyone could notice, as the sun was rising, and they expected people to come over early in the morning.

But before Alluka could jump off the roof, or Killua could enter the house, in the blink of an eye, they shot each other a certain look, both knowing what it was, their faces completely drowned in a serious look, then a blink later, they snapped back in their original moods and faces, they blood - lust suddenly vanishing into thin air.

Only four people knew what this look meant, those people were Hisoka, Illumi, Killua and Alluka.

Each time the "look" was shot, it always meant something simalar.

In this case, it meant, " someone is watching, and its someone innocent."

Killua knew that the other two who had escaped through the portal also knew of the person watching.

                                                      Author's note!      

  James is older and going to wizard collage this morning. Lily Luna is still a toddler, and Albus is the same age and so is all of his friends! I hope this is okay with you, and i am sorry if anything is wrong. I have not read the books in a long time, and also updates will be coming slower than normal, for reasons i would like to keep private, but if you a nosy person, you can just ask and I will tell. Thank you for reading, and I am sorry for interrupting!

Killua walked inside, back into the bedroom, and fell into Gon's arms and slept in his warmth.

 Alluka went from the roof to the berry field in front of the hosue, and decided to pick some fresh berries as a "thank you" gift for the Potters, along with some pretty flower and minty herbs, nicely arranging it with the berry branches from the berry bushes, forming a fresh, sweet smelling bouquet, that might be good for dishes, like Alluka's favorite, pasta.

She looked down, admiring her work.

She used plenty pale pink periwinkle, big round purple alliums, and small wisteria petals around the rim of the bunch along with blood - roses matching with blue lily of the niles, giving a sweet aroma to the bouquet, also using herbs like mint and basil to give some greenery to the handful.

And her favorite that she put in every bouquet she made. Berries.  Sweet red strawberries and red raspberries, with blue berries and sour black berries, Alluka's personal favorite.

Now the bouquet was full and popping, and she could not get enough of the sweet aroma.

She felt proud, crouching behind a large round shrub, giggling to herself, and tucked the thing of beauty under the shrub, and snuck into the house to find some kind of vase to go along with the bouquet to keep it alive.

Personally, she thought a white vase or glass vase could balance out the colors.

She crept inside the kitchen, and opened a high wooden cabinet, and found the perfect one.

She ran back into the flower field, and grabbed the bouquet and tied it with ivory colored string, bringing to slowly inside, careful not to ruin it.

She slid the heavenly sight into the glass vase, and it fit perfectly!

She stepped back, a large sigh escaping her, a proud smile tugging at her lips which she gave into.

The golden sunlight creeping through the window, its golden with bestowing itself to the thing of flowery beauty, and Alluka was sad to be the only one to witness it.

Her proud thoughts were interrupted by Ginny.

"wow, did you make this, its insanely beautiful!" Ginny cooed, a sigh and smile washing over her as well just as Alluka did.

"its for you" Alluka sighed.

Ginny's eyes swelled with tears, and took Alluka into her arms, thanking her graciously.

Killua was just around the corner, smiling at his sister, he was very proud and happy for her.

But this chapter is not left on a happy note.  For back in the Hunter world, a serious tone was needed to understand what was being discussed.

"we need to kill the stalker, he boy."

"but we promised not to kill the strange family, right Illu?~"

"then we resort to the next best thing other than killing that boy, killing everyone but him, -"

"but why~"

"don't interrupt me next time, because it might be fun for Gon and Killua, plus it is entertaining for us, anyway, the next best thing is, of course Feitain's favorite, tortrue."

𝙒𝘼𝙉𝘿 - 𝙃𝙭𝙃&𝙃𝙋 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙁𝙞𝙘 -Where stories live. Discover now