To, Too, Two

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Another sibling of the "often confused words" family, we have "to," "too," and "two".

To start off with the easiest one, "two" is, well, it's just a number, that's the simplest way to put it.

Correct Examples:
There are two dogs.
Are you two okay?

Incorrect Examples:
I want to go two.
I'm going two the mall.
I drank two much water.

Do you get it? Like I said, I think this one is the easiest to grasp, so let's move on to the next one, which is "too". Now, this book is all about making things as simple as possible so everyone can understand, and so, let's use a comparison. The word "too," in some instances is basically an equivalent to the world "also". In other cases, "too" is used to describe something that is excess or extreme. Don't get it? Well, here are some examples :).

Correct Examples:
I like sleeping too.
It's too complicated.

Do you understand now? The first example uses "too" as a form of agreement, a shared common point. "I also like sleeping, just as you do." The second example uses "too" to describe an extreme. "It's so complicated that I don't understand."

Now Some Incorrect Examples:
I'm going too the store.
I have too cats.

And finally, we get to our last "to". In technical terms, "to" is a preposition. What is a preposition? Well, it's a word (or words) used to link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence. Don't understand the big scary fancy definition? It's fine, you don't have to, all you need to know is that "to" indicates movement or an action, as it already has twice (excluding the quote) in this sentence.

Here Are Some Examples:
Are you going to the gym?
I am going to read a book.

Do you get it? In the first sentence, the "action" is that you're going to the gym, and in the second sentence, the action is the word "read".

Now Some Incorrect Examples:
There are to many words.
I had fun to.
I ate to cupcakes.

And I think that just about concludes this chapter! Feel free to correct the incorrect examples for practice if you think you need it, and as always, don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand something!

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