Chapter 7 (Surviving A Griever)

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You fall to the floor as the doors close. Minho looks at you and says " well done Y/n you just got yourself killed". What happened to Alby Min? " you reply." He got stung " Min told you out of breath." We gotta go. Help me lift him Min "Y/n speaks. Y/n and Minho drags Alby for a few minutes. They both put Alby down and stop." We gotta hide Alby Min" Y/n mentions. "WHERE. WE ARE IN A MAZE WITH MAN - EATING CREATURES. WHERE DO YOU EXPECT TO HIDE HIM" Minho screams keeping you backed up into the wall. You were taken back because Minho has never screamed at you like that before. He was your best friend. You walked over to a wall with vines and said "Min we can attach him to vines and pull him up high". Y/n and Minho attach Alby to the vines and pull him up to the top. While trying to do that Minho spotted a Griever and said " Y/n we have to go". " Just a little more". You reply. Minho stops and let's go and you slip and fall into the Maze wall. You slip under the vines and let the Griever past. Once it's gone you climb back out and tie the knot than spot the Griever and hide round the corner. You walk around and step in some sticky stuff and say " Eww what the hell is that". Then something drips and your shirt and then you look around as the Griever gets close to you then you look up and see the Griever. While your backing up you stumble and fall but quickly get back up and run with the Griever tailing you you got to a cliff then tried to run back but the Griever has caught up to you. You just decided to go for it. You jump mad catch on to the vines at the other side. The Griever also successfully jump and it brung its stinger out but you let go and you and the Griever fell. The Griever got caught in the vines but you didn't. You stumbled then turned round a corner and bumped into Minho. "You are one crazy bitch" Minho says. "but let's go this way through the closing wall". He runs on but you tease the Griever " come on". Come get me ". Minho yells" what are you doing y/n. Hurry up ". You run through the wall with minho screaming your name and you just managed to get through while the wall crushes the Griever. You two go get ably. Meanwhile Newt, chuck, Zart, Winston and Jeff are waiting a the doors when it opens and they don't see us two. "Told you chuck they're not coming back" newt says while leaving upset. Zart says " no way" and chuck says "yeah". Newt turns around and see you, Minho and alby

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