Chapter 8: Gally's Rant

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After you and Minho walked back into the glade everyone made space and you and minho put Alby down. Chuck broke the tension by saying " what did you guys see out there". You reply " We saw a Griever" . Minho butts in and says" She didn't just see one she killed it ". Everyone looked at you astonished." Things are changing " gally says." First Ben gets stung in Broad daylight and then Alby " gally adds." And now our greenie here ( talking about us) has taken it upon himself to go into the Maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here" . Frypan replies "yeah but he saved Alby's life". Gally continues "did he? For three years, we have coexsited with these things and now you've killed one of them he says pointing at you." Who knows what this means for us he continues with his lecture. Newt speaks up and says " what do you suggest we do?" She  has to be punished" gally replies. Chuck replies with " whoa whoa. Wait she killed a Griever". Newt speaks up "Minho. You were there with her. What do you think? Everyone looks at Minho. He sighs and says" I think in all the time we've been here no one's ever killed a Griever before. When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank stood behind to help Alby. Look, I don't know if she's brave or stupid. But whatever it is we need more of it. I say we make her a Runner. Newt smirks at you and fry's in the background shouting "A runner? What? Minho, let's not jump the fence here all right?" Everybody starts to chant for me. Then gally starts shouting "if you wanna throw the newbie a parade, that's fine. Go ahead. But if there is one thing that I know about the Maze, it is that you do not..." the  metal grumbling of the box starts. Everybody runs out and sees the box. " the box is coming back up" I say. Minho replies " it shouldn't be" and runs off with the others. Newt and gally get there first. They both open the box and newt jumps in. " Newt what do you see? ", Do you see it?"." It's another girl" he replies. " I think she's dead "Gally then says " what's in her hand?" . Newt takes the note from her hand and reads it." Shes's the last one ever "What the hell does that mean" he looks up confused. She gasps and says "Thomas" before she passes out again

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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