Chapter 3- vaati and Ghirahim

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3rd person pov-

Link and Dark made their way to the place that Link spoke of the day before. After a few hours of walking, the came upon a large castle made of black brick. Link went up to the large door and knocked.  A few moments later, the door opened a bit, and a head peaked out, then the door closed, then fully opened a minute later.

I front of Link and Dark stood a tall figure. (they look like they do in the picture above) next to the tall figure stood a slightly shorter figure in purple. "I'm Ghirahim" the taller figure spoke, "and this is Vaati" he said, motioning to the figure next to him. "Vaati, this is Link and..." "huh? Oh, Dark. My name is Dark" "Right, Dark." 

(I will add on to this but I'm sick, and extremely tired,  just give me time, okay?)

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