4- Angry

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After going through the hole we enter a beautiful open area that is all kinds of colours from dark purple to neon green. Toothless, Melody, Cloudjumper and I start to glow I was dark black and purple, I felt go to be home. Soon, other dragons had noticed me present and start to gather around us behind me. I heard Toothless trying to get them to stop but of course, they didn't listen to him he isn't there alfal. After a time we flew into a bigger open space with two big crystals in the middle as I carry on flying with Melody. The other dragon flew down landing not Toothless or Cloudjumper they follow Toothless was angry. Once I had landed Melody was next to me the others were behind. Toothless did not look happy.

Love from a different Dragons- DiscontinuedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu