Issue #1

878 16 22

Chapter 1: The Passion Project.


The Living World, Earth, 20XX, New York City, 3:00

"NO! Please! I beg you! Please!" A Man Begs for his Life, as Two Thugs corner him. Pointing a Gun at his head, pushing it harder on his head as he could the cold metal on his head, knowing what was about to happen.

"Shut it Franky, You ignore the boss, you have to learn a Lesson in what happens when you disobey f#cking directions." One of the Thugs said as he and his pal Grin with murderous intent in their eyes, as if they were waiting for this moment their entire lives like lions ready to pounce on their prey.

"P-please..I have a family!"

"Well let's hope they give you a good Burial,(Gun cocks)..Because nobody will know how you died."

The Man whimpers as the Gun was no longer in safety, Crying as his life flashed before his eyes, his instincts telling him to run, but he didn't, he knew they would just shoot him dead regardless and his family would never know how he died either way. All his life, he had done things no Person could attempt, he had done the cruelest and most spineless things imaginable, and he wasn't proud at doing even a second of it. Some part kinda was glad that he would die, his other Half wishing to stay alive and Hug his Wife and Children with all his heart and soul.

His Killers look at him with blank stares. Relishing the moment when they put a Bullet in the head of their victims, finally having a chance to take out all their anger and rage on the Poor soul before them.

"G-give me another chance! I'll do anything, I'll make it up to the boss, I'll be better. I promise you!"

"You were given too many chances pal. It's time you pay the price."

"(Sobs)..I don't wanna die! My baby Girl!"

"Keep crying ain't going to save ya." The Other Thug says with a wide smirk, as the One holding the Gun. "Let's just get this over with, I can't hold my trigger finger any longer."

Suddenly, The Thugs began to hear something moving in the dark Alley, A Loud noise coming from the Darkness of the Alley.

"What the Hell was that?" The Other Thug asked.

"Well I don't know, probably Santa Claus, How about you just go check it?" The Thug holding the gun barked at his partner, which his pal reluctantly obeyed and went to investigate.

"Now...where were we?" The Thug with the Gun says as he again points the Gun at their victim, about to shoot until he is interrupted by his Partner who says out loud.

"I don't see anything!"

"(Sigh)..we'll get back here so we can do our Job! If the Boss doesn't get a call that we killed him, he will have people after our Asses! Ya Got it?"


"Hey! Hello!?" The Thug called out as he realized his Partner wasn't responding back, which he usually would and say something insulting after. The Thug soon started to feel a strange ambience around himself, as if something in the Darkness deep in the continuous Alley way was studying him. He then felt as if the air began to get cold, although it was very humid out tonight, he knew something wasn't right and wanted to run just then and there. But..a strange ora began to draw him into where his Friend had gone to investigate and didn't come back.

Suspense and dread filled him, his Heart pulsing beyond belief, His Veins starting to tense up, as well as his Stomach. He only Walked just two feet in the Darkness and already he felt something stabbing him, his mind racing with outlandish, absurd rambles that only a Madman could think. He went into the dark, and tried calling out to his Partner in blindness, forgetting his Target already as his Head filled with other thoughts.

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