Chapter 7: Rescue & Revenge

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Makoto: "Okay, wait a moment. If you're gonna be this aggressive, at least let me know your name."

Kuroka: "Fair. Name's Kuroka, nya."

Makoto: "Makoto. Pleasure to meet ya."

Kuroka: "The pleasure's all mine. Now that we got introductions out of the way, what say you give me some kittens, nya~?"

A blush came onto my cheeks and went up to my ears. Comically, steam would be coming out of my ears when I heard that request.

Makoto: "W-WHOA THERE! I think we're skipping a lot of steps here! I don't even know you that well!"

Kuroka: "Oh what? Is the big bad dragon afraid of a lil' fun? Or do you not find me attractive enough, nya?"

Makoto: "I think you're ravishing. I MEAN-!" 

????: "Kuroka. What are you doing?"

I looked at the source of the voice and it would be a light silver hair, hazel eyed guy that wore a dark green V-neck shirt with a high-collared black leather jacket over it. He also wears black jeans with a silver chain drooping down over them and black leather chaps with three bands encircling his right calf, and black shoes with black buckles.

(A/N: Think of the upper and lower body clothing to be mainly from the Light Novel while the shoes are from DxD Season 2-3)

(A/N: Think of the upper and lower body clothing to be mainly from the Light Novel while the shoes are from DxD Season 2-3)

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Kuroka: "Oh, it's you Vali.. what are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy with this hunk, nya?"

Vali: "Are you actually trying to lower yourself with this human?"

I was about to interject before my sacred gear was summoned onto my right hand. I was confused as I didn't summon it. When I looked at Vali, he had a surprised expression on his face before he grinned.

Vali: "Looks like I misjudged you too soon. A human that can use a sacred gear. This is interesting."

Akiliren: "It's been a while.... Albion."

Vali looked even more surprised before Vali's sacred gear came out as well.

Albion: "I never thought I'd sense your presence again, Akiliren."

Makoto: "Okay, let's hit the rewind button. You two know each other?"

Vali: "You mirror my thoughts. Albion. Who is this?"

Albion: "I do not know this human, but I do know of the Dragon that is instilled within him. Akiliren, the Scourge Dragon. Also known to be the Chrysolite Dragon Emperor of Corruption."

Vali looked shocked at the name of title of the Dragon Emperor. 

Vali: "Hmm. Just by looking at you, you have an insurmountable amount of anger in you. Good. I want to see that anger put to good use."

Kuroka: "Now that you two are done playing catch up, we're  getting back to the part where you take me to your place and we can have some fun."

Rise of the Chrysolite Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu