Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion

Start from the beginning

'A Scam?' Error asked in curiosity, what even is a scam?
He blinked when Fresh tugged on his sleeve and Error glanced over before helping Fresh understand an equation.
,,Fraud. Tricking someone. Whatever you want to call it. It doesn't feel like the boss of your mom is giving her even the minimum wage, honestly-"

'Ah... But momma says that it's already enough to pay the bills, my tuition, our food and gas for the car.'
Error was still confused, but then glanced towards Geno's book and then pointing at the page where the answers were.

,,Well, that may be, but just barely. And that is the concerning thing. Because if she is overworking herself, she should get enough money to get you and your brothers easily through the month. But she doesn't."
Error paused for a moment at that thought.
'Are... Are they being more than just meanies to mama?'
Error seems to frown at that thought. Why are these... Employers, so cruel?

,,... I think so, kid. I really need to find out what she is working as. And then find her boss, because I swear to god, if he countinues to treat the employees as he does now, then..."
The guardian just stopped talking.
Error thought for a moment. 'I'll ask once I'm alone with Mama, I don't want my brothers to worry.'
,,Alright." Nightmare answered and went quiet.


Error then glanced up at his mother and carefully tugged at her pajamas. "Mama? I have a question..."
CQ looked at Error and smiled slightly, rubbing his head.
,,What is it, Ruru?" She asked her son.

"Mama, what.... What's your job?" Error curiously asked his mother, looking up at her with big eyelights.
CQ stared at Error, before sighing slightly. ,,What raises the question, Starlight?"
She then asked, rubbing over her son's head.
"I curioos." Error lisped. "I wanna kno what made mama go home so late all the time." Error softly pouted.

CQ stared at Error and sighed slightly, hugging him. The woman rubbed Error's head while doing so.
,,...Mama is working in an office, Ruru. Does this help you?" She said then after a while.
,,She can't be serious, right? Who is her fu- ... bad manager? Because I will search them tonight-"

"Uhuh... Mama, today, I learned about employers and employees from a book I found, and I wanna know what an employer is... Does yours have a name?"
Error curiously asked. He hates lying to his mama but it was a must!

Damn though, his lying skills are surprisingly good that it's concerning.

CQ blinked slightly and shuckled.
,,So, that's where you got it... Of course they have a name. But he insists that we call him by his first name, Liam."
"Ah... Is Liam theiw full name? That's a rather showt one."
Error spoke innocently, tilting his skull lightly.

CQ sighed. ,,I... probably not. But as I said, he doesn't want that we call him with his last name."
"What is his last name then?" Error asked, hopefully his mama tells him.
The woman blinked. ,,I think it was Juggler. But why is it so important to you?" CQ asked her son.

"I was just curious mama." Error chirped softly. A
'Is that okay, Nightymare?' He hasn't even realized that he called his guardian Nightmare by a nickname.
,,Yeah, kid... Wait. Nighty...mare?" The guardian answered, while CQ just smiled and rubbed Error's head.
,,Alright, Starlight. How about you go and join your brothers now?"

"Okay mama!" Error then hugged CQ before rushing back to his room.
'What do you mean?' Now Error was confusion.
,,You just called me Nightymare... why?" Nightmare answered.
Geno squealed, as Error entered the room and jumped to him, hugging him slightly.
The child then fell into a coughing fit.

'I didn't? I said-' Error was cut off with a yelp when Geno jumped on him, before his surprise quickly turned to worry at the coughing fit.
"Geno! That wasn't safe of you to do that!" Error worriedly said and quickly began to guide Geno to the bed.
"Told ya that was a bad idea broski." Fresh spoke, his eyelights now having shrunken.
Error guessed that Fresh has experienced enough emotions for the day... Maybe even the week now.

Geno tried to catch his breath, before saying:
,,But- Why? It's just a bit coughing! And pain! Why can't I do it?"
Geno asked, slightly pouting. ,,And why isn't it safe? Is not like I can die from it!"

Error stared at Geno for a bit. Damn it, how is he gonna respond...
"I know bro bro, but still, it's worrying!" Error pouts childishly and then sits Geno down.
"I don't wike seeing you in pain." Error softly spoke.
Geno looked at Error, before sighing. ,,Okay..."
He mumbled, having slight dissapointment in his voice. ,,I'm sorry, Erry..."

Error frowned softly at that. "Gen Gen it's okay."
Error softly said, hugging Geno lightly.
"I just wowwy for you, having a bad health is... Well... Bad."
Geno nodded a bit. ,,Okay... Then, can I do it when I am healthy again? I surely am healthy very soon again! I was sick long enough!"
The child said, looking at Error.

"Yes Geno, you can do it when you're healfy again."
Error chirped, even though he knows that it's gonna take a while.
'I don't want Gen Gen to die... We haven't gotten him to the doctors for a long long time... And it's only getting worse...' Error couldn't help but think.

,,Yay!" Geno cheered and clapped happily with his hands, smiling at Error. ,,What does he have?"
Nightmare asked. ,,And does he not know, that he can die?"
'No Nightmare, he does not know... And from what I remember, I think... I think it was... Soul Deficiency...?'
Error trailed off, giving Geno a soft smile and then hugged Geno.

"Do you guys want to me to read a bed time story? Mama's too tired today." "Sure."
Geno gasped. ,,Yes! Yes, please!" He cheered and grinned at Error.
,,Oh. Holy s- Holy Banana. And he just... lives with it? Without medication or painkillers? Wow."
'Mhmm... He's had the condition since birth... So... 8 years? Yeah.'
Error thought before he then stood up and grabbed their favorite story.
Fresh then getting into position in his bed.

,,Oh... poor kid. Doesn't this like... hurt him without ever stopping?" Nightmare asked confused.
Geno was wiggling excitedly in his bed, ready to hear Error reading.
'Yeah... Sometimes the pain is just really minimum, but often times it just really hurts.'
Error thought as he then flipped open the book and began to read.

,,Poor kid..." Nightmare mumbled, before going quiet when Error started to read, not wanting to bother the young child while reading.
Error hummed in response during one of his page flips and continued to read, Fresh just snuggling up to Geno and listening attentitively.


 I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :D

Also, Liam appearantly doesn't juggle with children here. 

1343 Words

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