6 - Sugar

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Hi guys! Just another thank you to everyone reading this! And if you're totally lost right now go read Newborn, (it's on my profile,) because this is the sequel! Okay enjoy!

Lucifer Crowley and Bobby John were growing fast. They were just around the age that they had started to crawl around the house on all fours and start talking jibberish.

Mary usually finished her homework as quick as she could to come home and play with her brothers. They were so cute, and even though they were adopted Mary loved them. Lucifer, or as they liked to call him Luci, would always laugh when she played hide-and-seek and Bobby would love it when they played tug-of-war with a stuffed animal.

After a while of playing with the twins one afternoon, Mary began to stand up and head to her bedroom to finish studying. Bobby and Luci began to cry.

"I'm sorry," Mary said, "I have to do homework! I'll play with you later, I promise!" The crying didn't stop. She reached over to the toy box and took out Bonny's stuffed animal platypus, which he took gratefully and hugged it close to his chest. He stopped crying. Meanwhile, Luci was still bawling and Mary was franticaly trying to find his favorite stuffed animal, which also happened to be a platypus, just a different colour. She finally found it behind a couch cushion and as soon a Luci recieved it he stopped crying.

Mary exhaled deeply and giggled, heading upstairs. Sam, noticing she had left the twins unsupervised, walked into the living room to be with the two babies. They all knew better than to leave Luci and Bobby unattended because they would get into all sorts of trouble and mischeif.

Not even a half and hour later Sam had dozed off on the couch and was awoken to the sound of crying. "Damn these kids cry a lot," Sam rolled his eyes and scooped them both up in his big arms, hugging them close and bringing them into the kitchen. It was almost their snacktime.

"Sammy!" Dean's voice yelled from the other room. Sam sighed and handed the babies to Gabriel, who happened to be lounging around at the dining table. "Dean needs me for something," the hunter told his husband, "would you feed them? Just a little bit of that gooey vegetable crap."

"How about something with more sugar?" Gabriel suggested, "they hardly have any sugar in their bodies!"

"C'mon Gabe, you know sugar isn't healthy."

"Sure it is!"


"Really! They could use more of thise kinds of foods, they've barely even ever had a sugar crash!" Gabriel continued to argue. Sam gave him his signature bitchface. "Gabriel Winchester we are not feeding our children things that aren't nutritious," he said, and with that he left the room yelling, "give them that canned baby food in the cupboard!"

As soon as he left Gabriel waggled his eyebrows and placed Bobby and Luci on the tiled floor. The archangel began rummaging through the cabinets until he pulled out a white, blue, and pink box in a plastic bag. He grabbed a silver spoon from the drawer and sat across from the twins. Quickly he opened the box and dipped the spoon in. He took it back out and it was filled the the top, almost spilling over, with fine white grainy stuff. Sugar.

Raw sugar.

He smiled at Luci. "Say 'aah'," he said, and began spoon-feeding both of his sons sugar.

Not long after he had started Sam came back in. The hunter's eyes widened at the sight of what Gabriel was doing and at the mess he had made of sugar spilt everywhere. "GABE!" He exclaimed. Gabriel lifted his eyebrows and Sam rolled his eyes. "Seriously? Seriously?" He put a hand on his hip, then dropped it off and let it hang awkwardly by his side, "you're feeding them RAW sugar out of the BOX?!"

Gabriel nodded, as if proud of himself. His hand was stopped mid-way, stretching towards Bobby's open mouth to give him another spoonful. "Yup!"

"Don't do that," Sam said, voice calmer now. He watched as Gabriel didn't respond, just kept on feeding the babies the sugar. "Unbelievable," Sam sighed and took the babies from his husband. "Clean this up," he said, and with a snap Gabiel had the whole kitchen tidied.

Sam walked over, quickly placed a kiss on Gabriel's lips, and brought their sons into the bedroom for their afternoon nap.

Newborn x2 (Sabriel & Destiel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant