Chapter 9

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After a couple of months...

"Dude, how's Aoda? I haven't seen her for a while now." Said Junpei.

"Me too. She refused to let me come over. We haven't been talking for a while too." Replied Kagami.

"But you two are still dating, right?" Asked Izuki and Kagami nodded.

Aoda on the other hand is currently busy with her esports life. She needs to gain high points and win rate in order for her to be accepted in a team.

Kagami knocked on Aoda's door and Aoda opened it.

"Hey." Greeted Aoda then she let Kagami come inside.

"Are you busy?" Asked Kagami while removing his shoes.

"Nope. I just finished playing." Replied Aoda.

"Why are you here?" Asked Aoda. Kagami looked at her in her eyes.

"We haven't been able to have quality time, you know. I just miss you." He said then she pulled Aoda into a tight hug. She hugged him back.

"I miss you too." Aoda replied then she gave him a peck on his lips.

"Let's take this to the bedroom." He said and he carried her in a bridal style.

After you know what...

"Are you serious right now?" Kagami asked Aoda who's scrolling on her phone with her naked body covered in blanket.

"What do you mean?" Aoda asked.

"We just had sex literally like 1 minute ago and you're just scrolling on your phone." Kagami replied.

"What am I supposed to do then?" Aoda replied.

"You could at least cuddle me!" Kagami said in a high tone.

"You know what, I'm so sick of this. I feel like you don't care about me." He added.

"I care about you." Aoda replied.

"Then fucking act like it! You don't even show affection unless I initiate it!" He said.

"What do you mean? I kiss you, I hug you, I have sex with you. What the hell do you want? I even tell you I love you." Said Aoda.

"Yeah, because I do those things first! Tell me the truth, do you really love me? Or at least, did you love me?" Asked Kagami.

"No. I don't and no, I never loved you." Said Aoda and she just continued scrolling on her phone.

"I think we should break up." Said Kagami.

"Okay." Aoda replied without looking at him.

Kagami shook his head and started wearing his clothes then he left the unit. He can't believe that Aoda can say those things. After how many months of them being together, she never loved him.

Aoda felt kinda sad for what she did. No, it's not sadness, it's guilt. She felt kind of guilty but that changed in just a snap when she received a text. A text that will change her life forever.

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