04 | But All I know is I Need You Close

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Giselle looked at Ningning. A smile instantly appeared on her face when she saw the Chinese girl dancing on her seat while enjoying her lunch.


'I don't even know anymore.' Giselle thought.

It all started out so suddenly. 

Ningning is a friend.

Or was?


She's a special person for Giselle.

Anyone could tell how similar they are to each other. From their music taste to their sense of fashion? Giselle and Ningning get along really well. If there would be a twin in their group, it would be them. They are like siblings who have never argued with each other because they have the same interests and thoughts.

Except that Giselle has never thought of Ningning as a sibling.

Ningning is a friend. A special friend that she adores very much, although she doesn't show it quite often. A sister? Uh, not really. Giselle would politely smile and say 'no, thank you' for that. 

She also didn't know why.

She sees Karina as a sister. Minju and Ryujin? She thought of them as sisters too. 

But why not Ningning?

What's with Ningning?

It was a question that has been inside Giselle's mind for years and it never left. No one knows about it except for her. 

Until that night happened. 

"Stop...dancing.." Giselle grumbled, struggling as she opened Ningning's house with the latter leaning onto her.

"Tonight was *hic!* fun!" The chinese girl giggled, throwing her arm around Giselle's neck. 

She is really drunk, and so is Giselle, but the latter can still take care of herself. Being the good friend that she is, she offered to take Ningning home. 

"Come on, let's go upstairs." The Japanese girl said, encircling one arm to Ningning's waist to help her walk. 

Fortunately for Giselle, Ningning cooperated as they walked onto the stairs. They are still holding each other, Giselle has her other hand on the wall to support their weight. 

Minutes later, they finally arrived inside Ningning's room. Giselle carefully placed Ningning on the bed. She was about to pull away, but the Chinese girl didn't seem to have a plan on letting go. 

"Ning, Let go of me." 


"We're already here inside your room."


Giselle sighed heavily. 

She gave up on resisting and just let Ningning hug her. The former suddenly laid down on the bed, bringing Giselle on top of her. 

The Japanese girl's eyes widened.

"H-hey, uhm...can you let go of me now?" She stuttered. "This is not really a comfortable position, y-you know?"

But it seems like Ningning didn't hear her, because the former has her eyes closed, and has a small smile plastered on her face. 


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