Chapter 1- The New CEO

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"Park Y/n!" a voice startled me bringing me back to reality

"You scared me, Hyun-joo!" I said 

"How does it feel to date the girl's crush, Lee Jun-woo?" She asked talking a bite of her sandwich

"It's been a year since we started dating, why do you keep asking me this" I replied sounding a bit annoyed by her everyday questions regarding Jun-woo

"Yes it has been a year but yet some girls aren't over him yet" She replied

"Well it's isn't my fault that Jun-woo liked me and we started dating" 

"What about you? Did you also like him then?" She asked sounding quiet interested in the topic

"What kind of a question is that? Yes-s I did like him back then or why would I date him?" I replied

"And what about now?" There was a moment of silence. I did not answer, because I was unsure about my answer

"Now..." we were interrupted when we heard someone call my name. Turning around, it was none other than Jun-woo waving at me with a smile on his face. As usual, girls around the cafeteria were busy starring at him and hating me. I forced a smile while looking at him. He took a sit next to me

"Did you get a good sleep last night? You didn't even reply to my messages" Jun-woo said pouting but something was different. Previously, whenever he used to pout or sulk, I'd always want to hug him but this time, it was different. I didn't feel anything.

"Sorry, I fell asleep while working" I replied with a faint smile

"Oh the CEO is retiring today and his son will take over his position today. That's why you were busy right?" 


"It must be tiring to be the CEO's secretary" Jun-woo said

"Now it'll be even more tiring. I heard the CEO's son is workaholic. He demands perfection in everything" Hyun-joon said sipping his juice making me nod

Jun-woo and Hyun-joo kept talking while having their lunch while I just looked outside the window wanting an answer to my questions. Things were just fine but from last four months, I don't feel anything while I'm around Jun-woo. Could it be perhaps... I'm falling out of love...?

"Y/n, isn't that the CEO and his...son?" Hyun-joo asked drawing my attention while pointing at the entrance of cafeteria. Murmuring filled the entire cafeteria when the CEO entered with his... son maybe? Everyone stood up from the seats bowing at them and so did I

"Everyone, I think you all are aware I'll be retiring today. This is my son, Kim Taehyung who'll be taking over my position today onwards" He said introducing his son. The cafeteria this time filled with how handsome the new CEO was. Girls had already started fangirling over him. I wonder what'll happen this time when they find out that I'll be his secretary. Office war part 1. 

"Y/n" He called out drawing everyone's attention in the cafeteria 

"Yes, sir" I replied

"I'll be retiring. Don't worry you won't be jobless instead you'll be the secretary of my son" He replied proudly. But that sentence did not give me any comfort

"It's again her!" "First Jun-woo now the new CEO" "Such a whore she is!" such comments were heard as whispering from people around me

"Y/n, come here" He called out as I nodded and left my seat. I walked up to them and bowed to them.

"Taehyung, she is my most trusted and excelled employee also she used to be my secretary but now she'll be your secretary. Meet Park Y/n" He introduced me making me bow

"It's nice to meet you, CEO Kim" I greeted him but no reply. Did I perhaps make a mistake while greeting or something? I looked up just to find him already looking at me with an expression which was quiet difficult to read. His figure was almost towering over me, the scent of lavender perfume hit my nose. 

"Nice to meet you to, my new secretary" He said with a smile finally breaking the eye contact

"Taehyung, I have some things to tell you so follow me and Y/n, come to his cabin after lunch. He'll explain everything to you" He said and left the cafeteria. I bowed them goodbye and went towards my table

"Y/n, was he scary like Hyun-joo mentioned?" Jun-woo asked sounding worried

"No, he wasn't" I replied 

"Let's have-" before Jun-woo could speak any further, my phone rang. It was from my brother, Jimin. I looked at them with an apologetic look

"Sorry, I have to take this call. Have your lunch without me, I'll see you guys later" I apologized leaving the cafeteria and going to the rooftop to answer the call 


"Hello? Y/n. Did you have your lunch yet?" Jimin asked from the other side as I hummed in response

"You sound down, what's the matter? Did your new CEO scold you or something?"

"No, it's not that-t" I said my voice breaking down by now

"Y/n, are you crying? What's the matter?" He asked quiet concerned 

"Remember I told you that nowadays I don't feel anything while I'm around Jun-woo? I'm too scared to tell it to anyone. Jun-woo will be hurt and people will blame me calling me selfish if I break up with him" I replied tears rolling down my eyes

"Are you sure about your feelings?" He asked

"No, I am not"

[Time skip: After lunch; CEO's cabin]

"May I come in, CEO Kim?" I asked knocking twice on the door and entered once I heard a faint come in. I bowed once I entered and stood there waiting for his instructions 

"Secretary Y/n" He said 

"Yes, CEO Kim" I replied. He stood up from his seat, taking slow steps towards me. I expected him to stop in front of me but no. He kept walking towards. With each step he took, I took one step backwards until my back hit the wall and he stood an inch away from me

"Can I kiss you?"

"Sorry?" I asked thinking I heard wrong

"You heard me" He replied

"Sir, it is inappropriate" I mumbled

"No, it isn't" He replied 

"I have a boyfriend" I warned him hoping him to stop

"I know. I also know that you are not sure about your feelings" He replied. My eyes slightly widened at his reply

"How did you...."

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard your conversation on the rooftop" He replied. I just looked at him not knowing what to do

"Your lips are pretty" he said as I looked away but he gently cupped my cheeks making me look at him

"I know this is wrong but I'm just helping you realize your true feelings" with that he gently attached his lips onto mine. My widened as I stood there frozen not knowing what to do. His lips moved onto mine. Unknowingly, I started moving my lips too. This was wrong. I didn't even know him much and I had a boyfriend but if this kiss can make me realize my feelings.... then isn't that okay? Is it selfish is I follow my own feeling for once....?

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