[The camera pans to the bus bay, where Sheriff's deputies have taped-off a crime scene around one of the buses. The back of the bus is splattered with blood, and the emergency exit door has been almost completely ripped off and is hanging by a single hinge at the bottom. A crime scene investigator is snapping photos of the wreckage, including one of the back seats, which has been clawed open and is spilling its stuffing out onto the floor]

[Stiles, mouth gaping open in shock, looks over at a similarly stunned Scott]

STILES: ...I think it did.

[Scott looks back at the bus in horror and looks like he's about to throw up from fear, guilt, and shame]


[Scott YN and  Stiles are walking through the halls yet again as Stiles and YN  try to reassure a panicked Scott, who is staring at his phone, that they need more information]

STILES: She's probably fine--

SCOTT: She's not answering my texts, Stiles.

[Scott starts to frantically looks around at all of the students in the hallways, trying to see if Allison is among the crowds milling in the halls, while the  other 2 continue to reassure him]

STILES: It could just be a coincidence, all right?

[Stiles, realizing that the evidence makes this somewhat unlikely, adds to his previous statement in a somewhat defeated voice]

STILES: A seriously amazing coincidence...

[Scott turns to look at Stiles and YN with a panicked look on his face]

SCOTT: Just help me find her, okay?

[Scott is basically turning in circles as he walks as he tries to spot Allison in the crowd, and Stiles and YN , more calm than their  best friend, turn their head back and forth to visually scan through the students as well]

SCOTT: Do you see her?

STILES: [sighing] No...

[Scott continues to look, anxiously running his hand through his hair while he does, until he finally speeds up and turns around the corner, losing control. Stiles and YN , now panicked as well, scrambles to follow him but gets lost in the crowd]

[Around the corner, Scott is struggling to control his breathing, his heartbeat loudly thumping in his ears, as he presses himself against one of the lockers, bracing against it with both hands. The camera angle changes so that it's looking at Scott from the floor, his head resting against the metal door of the locker, his eyes starting to flash gold]

[After a long moment, Scott yells as he punches the locker with so much force that it breaks the combination lock and warps the door to the point where it can no longer close properly]


[Surprisingly, this doesn't attract any attention from his fellow students, and the pain from his fist hitting the locker seems to ground him and allow his heartbeat to return to a normal rhythm and volume, and his eyes to go back to their usual brown color]

[Having come back to himself, Scott realizes what he's just done to someone's locker and rushes away before anyone can notice what happened and connect the damaged door to him. He backs himself down the hallway until he reaches the junction between the two hallways and turns around, only to smack directly into Allison, who is completely fine and who has now just dropped all of her books and school supplies onto the floor. She sighs in exasperation at her perceived clumsiness and laughs when she sees that it's Scott]

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