Ch 26: Avneil met Juhi

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Avni: Hello, Neil finally you came

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Avni: Hello, Neil finally you came. I was waiting for you.

Neil: Sorry was stuck in the traffic.

Anjali: Oh, so this is Neil Khanna, Avni's fake husband.

Neil gave a nervous smile towards Anjali, Neela and Kyra.

Neela: Good to meet you Neil. I heard lot of things of you from Avni. She was missing Khanna family.

Neil: Avni is a daughter of Khanna family. Doors are always open for her.

Avni nodded

Anjali: So Avni, now you spend some time with your ex fake husband, but later spend some quality time with my nephew too. Karan will be happy.

Avni: Sure aunty, now we will take a leave.


In 9 to 11 cafe'

Neil: So how is life Avni?

Avni: Yeah, its good but I am missing some thing major in my life. I am feeling like I have lost something special.

Neil smiled, he some how guessed Avni's thoughts

Neil: Don't think so much Avni, go smooth. Everything will be sorted.

Avni: Hopeso it gets sorted soon.

Neil: Lets order something

Avni: Yeah please, I am thirsty, I need a glass of water.

Neil: Waiter, please bring a water bottle

The waiter was only staring at Avni. Neil noticed it.

Neil: (shouted) I said something to you.

Waiter: What sir? Sorry, I didn't heard it.

Neil: Call your manager. I need to talk something important with him as here people only gawk at girls and doesn't work.

Avni kept her hand on Neil's shoulder Neil's anger got calm down instantly.

Waiter: Sorry Sir, I will bring water bottle.

Avni: Relax Neil, no need to be angry on that man.

Neil: Did you saw, how he was staring at you?

Avni: Yeah, Neil I will come. I need to use washroom.

Neil: No worries, I will wait for you.

Avni took her purse and went towards the washroom. After two minutes when she returned, she found a girl hugging Neil tightly. While both were smiling.

Avni felt uncomfortable by seeing them so close to each other

Avni: Neil

Neil: Avni, you came back

Avni: Yeah

Neil: Avni, meet my childhood friend Juhi.

Avni smiled at Juhi but Juhi just ignored her

Juhi: Who is she Neil?

Juhi gave her hand around Neil's arm. Avni was disappointed with it.

Neil: Juhi, she is Avni Mehta, my friend.

Juhi: Oh that stranger Avni Mehta who became your so called fake wife?

Avni was stunned as she was hurt. She thought Neil might have reveal this thing to Juhi.

Neil: Juhi who told you about Avni? As I remember I never disclose this thing to anyone.

Juhi: Prakash uncle had came yesterday at our place. He just told us about Avni. Even he started searching good bride for you.

Juhi said shyly. Avneil noticed it. Neil just shrugged hus thoughts off.

Neil: Oh but now, I am not all interested to do marriage thing.

Juhi: Why Neil? What is the problem? You are a macho man. You will get hot girl as your wife unlike her.

Juhi pointed her finger towards Avni

Avni was upset and dishearted.

Avni: Neil, I think I should leave now.

Neil: Avni please wait, we both just came now.

Juhi: Come on Neil, if she wants to go then let her go. In fact we both met after a long time. Don't you feel that we both should spend some quality time with each other.

Avni: Yeah Juhi is right.

Neil: Avni, please wait.

Neil pulled Avni towards him hence Avni directly landed on Neil's hard chest. Avni's heart blushed

Neil: Juhi, Avni is my very good friend. You can't insult Avni. She is most beautiful girl in the world.

Juhi: Come on man, you are giving too much importance to her.

Neil: Of Course Juhi because I lo...I....

Juhi: I what?

Avni was keenly listening to Neil's words. Juhi got a call hence she excused herself

Neil: Avni please wait, you wanted to say something to me right?

Avni: Yeah Neil but I think now you are too busy with chuhi...I mean Juhi. I will go now. In Fact I have a dinner date tonight with Karan.

Neil: Oh Karan, then okay you may leave.

Neil was jealous just by hearing the name 'Karan'.


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