Ch 25: Neil in NGO

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Avni: Mom, panipuri is nice, isn't it?

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Avni: Mom, panipuri is nice, isn't it?

Neela: Yeah, even I am enjoying this spicy panipuri after a long time.

Suddenly Avni's phone started ringing. The name 'Neil ' reflected with a heart emoji flashed on it. Neela saw and smiled at Avni while Avni gave a shy smile towards her.

Avni: It's nothing like that mom, actually Neil only saved his number in my phone.

Neela: (in a teasing way) Yeah....yeah when did I said anything, come on pick up the call.

Avni: Yeah

Neil: (on call) Hello Avni.

Avni: ( on call) Hiii

Neil: (on call) Uh...are you busy?

Avni: (on call) No...No, I am with mom in the NGO. I am enjoying this pleasant weather with a plate of panipuri. 

Neil:(on call) Oh panipuri, now my tongue also want to taste it.

Neil said in playful way

Avni: ( on call) So who is making you wait, come here even I need to talk something important with you.

Neil: Anything serious?

Avni: (on call) Maybe yes, come in the NGO then we will talk about it.

Neil:( on call) Okay, I will reach within one or two hours.

Avni: (on call) Yeah, take your time  bye.

Avneil disconnected their call

Neela: So Neil will be coming here?

Avni: Yeah mom I need to talk about Amol and Kareena's relation with him.

Neela: Avni they are still students.

Avni: Mom, Let it be

Anjali: Hey Neela

Neela: Finally, you came Anjali. I was waiting for you. Kyra beta, how are you?

Kyra: I am super good aunty, Avni di lets go towards the garden area.

Avni and Kyra were sitting on the bench while enjoying the atmosphere.

Avni: So Kyra, any boyfriend?

Kyra:(shyly)  No di but I have crush on someone .

Avni: Oh nice, you is the lucky boy?

Kyra: Di, time will let it know.

Avni: Uff! Now, I have to wait long.

Kyra: the way are you missing Karan bhai?

Avni was stunned with the question.

Avni: I...I mean I

Kyra: Its okay di.

Anjali and Neela came near to them.

Anjali: It's quite late, I think we should leave now.

Avni: Aunty, actually Neil will come here so I have to wait for him.

Anjali: Neil, will come here? Why?

Avni: To meet me.

Anjali: Ah, I don't, I should say this to you or not Avni but feel bad.

Avni: Anjali aunty, you are like my mother tell me. I will not feel bad.

Anjali: Avni, Karan is your future husband you should spend quality time each other rather than with Neil. I mean Neil. Maybe your friend but don't you think Karan will be happy if you both will out together.

Avni: Yeah aunty, I got your point. I will try to spend some time with Karan.

Anjali: Perfect then, I will fix tonight as a dinner date for you two.

Avni: Yeah

Neil: Avni

Avni gave a faint smile

Avni: Hello, finally you came, I was waiting for you.

Neil: Sorry, was stuck in the traffic.

Avni: Oh, it's okay.


Any word for Avneil.....

Any word for Anjali and Kyra.....

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