Chapter 7

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I gasp due to how cold the water was, like it was freezing cold.

I immediately turn around to see who it was, and of course. It was Chaeri, I give her a hard glare.

"What was that for?!" I yell in anger. "I told you to stay away from Jisung didn't I?"

"How am I supposed to stay away from my boyfriend?" I ask with a smirk. She looked even more angry when I said that.

"Chaeri stop bothering me! It's actually getting annoying." Jisung said frustrated. "But Jisung I want you! I need you." She said.

"You don't, there are so many other boys that are swooning over you." He said. "But Jisung I only have eyes for you." She said whining.

"Chaeri you knew we weren't gonna last long, you knew it was temporary. But you still fell in love with me that's YOUR fault." He said ruthlessly. Not gonna lie I felt bad, but she got herself into this I guess.

"But I thought we had something, this isn't what you told me that NIGHT." Jisung looked shocked at that. "Shut up Chaeri don't you know what to say and what not to say in public?"

"Jisung please give me another chance! I'll prove it to you!" She pleaded, but he just scoffed. "Prove what? Chaeri I don't think you realize what I'm trying to say. WE WERE DONE a long time ago."

She huffed in annoyance. "Ugh Y/n don't get so cocky, soon he'll come running back to me once he realizes how boring you are." She said with a smirk before walking off.

I let out a breath of relief. This was only day one of being his girlfriend and it's already tiring dealing with her. And I'm meant to do this for 2 months, this is gonna be great.

"Come on Y/n let's get you dried up-" Jisung started. I shove his arm off me. "Felix come on." He apologized to Changbin and immediately came to me.

- Jisung's POV -

"Woah that was harsh." Minho commented. I let out a heavy sigh, this wasn't how things were supposed to go. I promised to protect her but I failed that.

"I'll have to apologize to her later." I mutter under my breath. Hyunjin put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Jisung she'll understand, I mean she knows about Chaeri right?" I nodded. "But there's one thing she doesn't know.." Hyunjin cocked an eyebrow then he slowly realized.

"Wait she doesn't know what Chaeri did to your ex?" He asked a little surprised. I shook my head. "Jisung you have to tell her she needs to know... for her safety." Changbin said.

"Should I tell them our relationship is fake? No it's probably safe if I don't say anything right now."

"I know I will soon, I promise." I said assuring him.

- Y/n POV -

I walked to my locker freezing cold. "Ugh I hate her so much!" I complain. Felix opened my locker and got my spare uniform, and handed it to me.

"Thanks, wait here I'm gonna go change."  He gave me a thumbs up. "Be careful if you need anything call me." I nodded at him.

I walked to the bathroom dripping wet and freezing cold. I was shivering. I enter the bathroom and go into a stall. I take off my wet uniform and change into my spare one.

"My hair's still wet, maybe I'll use the hand dryer that's the only option I can think of." I go to the hand dryer and dry my hair.

After I'm done I go over to Felix. "All done?" I nodded. "I can't believe she's that desperate for Jisung." Felix said. "I know, I mean I know this whole thing is fake but-" I looked at Felix his facial expression was weird, his eyes were pointing to something but I didn't know what.

"Felix are you okay what's wrong?" I turn around and see Seungmin. "Oh hey Seungmin what's up?" I say, it was clear I sounded nervous.

"Your relationship with Jisung is fake? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you lie to me?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry Seungmin-" Felix put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Y/n, no need to apologize." Felix said assuring me.

Seungmin raised an eyebrow at that. "What do you mean? She hid that from me! I really thought they were in love with each other." Felix sighed. "Seungmin there's reasons why she didn't tell you, you have to understand her situation."

"I just don't understand why you didn't tell me, you lied when you said you were happy..." he paused for a second before speaking again. "You lead me on."
He said tears spilling out of his eyes.

"Seungmin I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I also had a little bit of feelings for you too. But I'm stuck in this relationship now." Seungmin shook his head. "No that's not it." I was confused by that.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Y/n whether you hate to admit it or not, you like him. You like Jisung." I immediately deny it. "No I don't! I could never like a jerk like him, he plays with people's feelings."

"I've seen the way you act around him. At the internet café you talked more to him and laughed with him, and you guys kind of hang out a lot." I scoffed at what he said.

"Seungmin are you just jealous?" He tightened his fists. "No Y/n! I'm trying make you see that you like Jisung not me! Because you're clearly blind enough to not see it." He bursted out.

I stood there shocked. "Y/n just accept it, it's fine I'm used to being hurt anyways." And with that he walked off. I put my face in my hands. "Ugh Felix he wasn't supposed to know!"

"It's ok he was gonna know sooner or later, plus he helped you realize your feelings." I looked at him immediately. "Seriously you too? I don't like HIM." Felix just shook his head, he looked up and his eyes widened. "Oh, hey Jisung." He said.

I turned around and saw him standing there, I just rolled my eyes at him. I was about to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "Come on Y/n...don't go please." I hesitated for a bit but decided to stay.

"I'm gonna go." Felix said I shot him my pleading eyes but he ignored them and left.

"I'm sorry it's my fault, I forgot to mention how crazy she can get." He said. I scoffed. "Trust me I know." I sighed.

"It's fine Jisung it's not your fault she did that anyways." He smiled. "I'll bring you out to food."  I smiled at his kind offer. "Because y'know its part of our deal," My smile quickly faded. "And Chaeri."

I brush it off. "Where will you bring me?" I ask curiously. "Uhh you like street food?" My eyes lit up at that. "I love street food! It's so gooood." I say.

He chuckled. "Alright then street food it is."

"JISUNG YOU BASTARD-" The next thing I knew Jisung was on the ground.

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