Chapter 75

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Chapter 75 [VIP]

    Jian Qingtong still underestimated the scale and executive power of married middle-aged and elderly women.

    Niu Dongmei took the task, and immediately went out to talk to her husband Xia Mingliang. The couple hit it off and went to the leader and sister-in-law respectively. When the new couple toasted, they said it was done.

    Jian Qingtong almost spit out a sip of wine, and looked in horror at Niu's sister-in-law who whispered for credit. She wouldn't spread the news of her good news, would she?

    Niu Dongmei had a beaming look on her face, hugged Tang Guo, who had been full and groaned to find her mother, and signaled the bride to hurry up with her, but don't provoke the children again.

    Jian Qingtong was in shock and doubt, but it was not easy to leave the room full of guests, so she had to put on a smile and toast with Tang Yuanzheng, filling her ears with auspicious words and messages from the elders.

    In the end, a pair of newlyweds held the quotations and solemnly swore to the three red flags and the statues of the great men that they would be loyal to the motherland, loyal to the people, loyal to each other, work together, and strive for the cause of socialism for the rest of their lives.

    The leaders watched the ceremony and left in a hurry.

    Jian Qingtong and Tang Yuanzheng personally sent them to the outside of the hospital, Xia Mingliang arranged for Chen Dong and others to wait at the door early, carried a basket of return gifts, and delivered them one by one.

    The return gift was sealed with red paper, and there was a red plastic bag outside, so I couldn't see what was inside.

    Jian Qingtong glanced at the volume, and knew that the six or eight items she originally wanted to buy had been cut by half.

    She wasn't unhappy either, she did as the locals do, and she wasn't happy to be that early bird. The sisters-in-law were all for her sake, checking for leaks and filling the gaps, so as not to leave a message to be praised or criticized, which was too conspicuous.

    The leaders usually don't accept gifts, but no one refused this wedding gift, and they happily accepted it and brought it back to the family to be happy.

    After sending off a wave of guests, Jian Qingtong breathed a sigh of relief, changed clothes and went out to eat.

    "This one looks good too! You made it yourself?"

    Wang Shengnan, as the only female elder present in her family's family, was not idle, so she had time to sit down to eat, and when she saw her niece dress up, her eyes lit up. He raised his voice deliberately.

    The guests who have not left all looked over and praised:

    "It's beautiful! This dress is made by the bride herself? It's not worse than the clothes sold in the department store, and the hand is really clever!"

    Jian Qingtong nodded generously and admitted . , by the way to advertise the garment factory that is about to be launched:

    "Everyone has won the prize. Maybe the clothes I designed are not very common, and everyone looks fresh. I also designed a batch of ready-to-wear clothes for our garment factory, and the styles are not as good as those on me. Bad, we can see you later."

    He Hongwei didn't leave, he wanted to talk to her about it when he was free, he had been greedy for their family's new clothes for a long time. Unexpectedly, Jian Qingtong put the words down first, there is a door!

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