Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 (Catch Bugs) [VIP]

    Liu Dani's cooking skills in the evening are extraordinary, and the rabbit meat she makes has an aroma of knowledge, which may be related to her constant remarks during the cooking process that "the knowledge taught in the textbook is true".

    Jian Qingtong's mouth was full of oil.

    Braised rabbit meat, spicy rabbit head with a bowl of white rice, she can hardly bear it.

    Tang Jun and Dajun Xiaobing were also smiling happily, which was similar to Chinese New Year.

    Tang Guo also ate delicious meat porridge, and it can be said that everyone is happy.

    However, Liu Dani was not at the kindness of Jian Qingtong, so she divided half of the rabbit's food and brought it home to eat with her husband.

    After dinner, Jian Qingtong took a group of children to digest food in the yard.

    The army pressed the water, and Xiaobing and Tang Jun together carried half a bucket of water and watered the vegetable garden with a water scoop.

    Tang Jun didn't break his promise. He deliberately circled a small area and planted a cabbage by himself. From sowing to lifting the paper, watering, and pulling weeds, he did everything himself. Plant a gift for mom.

    Jian Qingtong holds the drawing board and draws a simple cartoon in front of him every day. The layout is not large and concise, but the big-headed doll in the painting can be seen as Tang Jun at a glance, and the vegetable he is taking care of is also very clearly drawn.

    It's just that the content is similar every day, and the children gradually lose interest. They just feel the same and nothing new.

    After drawing several pictures one after another, Tang Jun suddenly discovered the mystery.

    "It's moving! It's really moving! It's like watching a movie!"

    Jian Qingtong looked at the children who were screaming, and quickly flipped the folded sheets of paper over and over again, almost rubbing out the burrs, and hurriedly laughed Stop their fussing behavior.

    Tang Jun cherished and took away the drawing paper, carefully pressed it back under the thick stack of books, and ran back to admit the mistake to Jian Qingtong:

    "Mom, I blame you, so you didn't perfunctory me, but seriously painted for me. I really like this! Mom has worked hard."

    Rarely, the little man took the initiative to hug his mother and offered a sweet kiss with a red face.

    Jian Qingtong kissed his brain back and said with a smile:

    "This is your gift for growing vegetables for me. Let's cherish this happy time together, and we can relive our memories and gain more happiness in the future. But gifts are prepared. It's a long time, so be patient."

    Tang Jun covered his head, his big phoenix eyes were shining, he nodded vigorously and said,

    "No matter what happens in the future, I will be more patient and don't rush to a conclusion, it's not good to take it out of context. It's easy to cause misunderstandings."

    Jian Qingtong touched his little head, and once again sighed that this child is really good, and she can sum up a set of principles by herself, and she always feels that she is actually the one who has been educated.

    The soldier bit his finger enviously.

    He has been familiar with Jian Qingtong in the past two days, and he came over and asked,

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