Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    The two initially reached a consensus and came out one after the other, just when they heard a knock on the door outside.

    Tang Yuanzheng went to open the door and saw that Chen Dong had ordered a meal to deliver.

    "Batch commander, is the child asleep?" Chen Dong keenly sensed that the atmosphere in the room didn't seem right, and looked inside.

    "Not yet." Tang Yuanzheng reached out to pick it up, but the little soldier flexibly avoided it.

    He also wanted to take the opportunity to see the new sister-in-law more, and go back and tell his comrades.

    "I'm coming, battalion commander, you go and call the children out to eat. Sister-in-law."

    Chen Dong greeted Jian Qingtong warmly, opened the cupboard and placed the dishes on the table, and put the food in the lunch box and plastic bag on the plate. Poured, took the empty lunch box and washed it.

    Jian Qingtong couldn't stand to watch, so he took a pair of chopsticks out from behind and smiled at the guests:

    "It's hard for you to make a trip. Have you eaten, sit down and eat together?"

    Chen Dong grinned white teeth, He smiled and shook his head:

    "No, sister-in-law, I'll go back and eat with them. You must be tired from the car ride all day, and you have to take care of the two children. I won't be here to cause trouble for you."

    Then he glanced at the open bedroom door and carefully identified The battalion commander's tone was relaxed or heavy, as clever as a vigilant sheepdog.

    From the bedroom, Tang Yuanzheng's voice was lower and briefer than usual, and his voice was tense and serious.

    Chen Dong's skin tightened, and he instinctively sensed danger. Every time the battalion commander punished them in the past, it was the same tone!

    I don't know who is offending him. Did Guoguo urinate on him again? Great!

    "So what sister-in-law, pay more attention to rest, I'll go first."

    Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Dong hurried away, for fear that he would be caught by the battalion commander after running late. Tang Yan Wang's new official took office three fires, and he dared not touch the bad again.

    Jian Qingtong arranged three pairs of chopsticks and put the remaining clean chopsticks back in the chopstick cage. Seeing that there was a soup in the dinner, he brought iron spoons and small bowls according to the head and placed them one by one.

    "Wash your hands and eat. Junjun is coming soon, you're an older child, you won't have to be hugged by your father, right?"

    Jian Qingtong raised her voice slightly, interrupting the silent confrontation in the bedroom.

    She seems to have hurt the self-esteem of the little boy unintentionally. Tang Jun is stubbornly going on a hunger strike with his father in the house.

    Suddenly, she was named and provoked by her. The precocious little man didn't hold back, and rushed out, with a fierce look on his face, and raised his chest to defend his reputation:

    "I don't need to hug me! The teacher also rewarded me with a little red flower!"

    Jian Qingtong nodded with an educated face, and asked humbly:

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