T H I R T Y - F I V E

Start from the beginning

The phantom grip on my nape slowly eases as I stare into Jack's azure eyes. He gently pulls my small body to the side of his chest, avoiding his wound in the centre.

"I can't be their sister Jack, I'm your sister."

My soft voice thick with emotion as I bury my face in the crook of Jack's neck, he places a soft gentle kiss on my forehead before gently pulling my face from his neck, looking me directly in the eye.

"Listen to me, you'll always be my sister Lily, blood doesn't make you family. Fuck, I'm proof of that now considering my own blood done this to me. You're my only family now Lil— I told you, you're my light, I'll always love you." He whispers as tears pool in his eyes.

"And I'll always love you more."

"Give the boys a chance Lil, you deserve the world and I'm more than positive they'll give it to you. You'll finally get the life I always dreamt for you— filled with love and happiness."

"You deserve that too."

"Maybe, but not everyone gets a happy ending."

I pull from Jack's embrace, gripping his hand tightly in my own as I turn to the Lombardi brothers. Their eyes filled with awe as they stare at Jack and I, after hearing our conversation.

"How can you be so sure I'm your sister?" I voiced out to no one in particular.

"Oh that's a really funny story, Grey tell her what you done." Killian responds, amusement evident in his eyes.

Grey scratches the back of his neck nervously as he looks at me. "Well um, remember when your hair got caught in my button?" I look at Grey, shock overtaking my features.

"You pulled my hair on purpose?"

"Mhmm" He weakly responds.

"Why?" I ask, looking at Grey.

"DNA Test. We got the results the night you two were shot, here." Grey states as he pulls an envelope from his inside jacket pocket, before handing it to me. "We only tested your DNA against Leo's."

I gently peel the envelope open and hold the thin sheet of paper in front of my eyes, turning it slightly so Jack could see.

Lily Adams - Leo Lombardi
fraternal twin


I stared at the results, as a range of emotions washing over me. I couldn't help the happiness that made its way to my heart. All this time I'd had nine brothers who cared for me, who loved me. In the past few weeks I've went from thinking I have no one, to finding friends, to having Jack's love that unbeknown to me had always been there. To now having nine more brothers.

Ten freaking brothers.

I wouldn't change my life, if I hadn't been taken when Leo's parents— my parents, had died then I'd have never met Jack. Everything happens for a reason and I think I was taken to save Jack. He suffered more than anyone could begin to imagine but as he said, even without me— they would've hurt him regardless.

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