{18} Merciful Guanyin, Please Give Me Patience

Start from the beginning

"Guniang, may this one ask why Guniang brings me food?"

The lady is startled as Wei Wuxian's voice is echoing.

The lady then bow herself

"This lady is named Mei Liang. And the reason why is because... Because I have always been wanting to take care of someone... A child..."

And so, since then, Mei Liang will watch over Wei Wuxian when he practises harnessing resentful energy and always drags him back to the cave by ear when he strains himself too much and scolds him.

Wei Wuxian quietly giggles at the memory when he was at the war camp, Mei Liang also scolds him when he only drinks wine and didn't eat any of the food and feed him herself.

Sadly, she doesn't remember me... She was like a missing mother in my life before she passed on and hopefully went to the Naihe Bridge after the war has finished and her grudge against Wen Chao has been fulfilled.*

I didn't know she was haunting Wen Chao as in my last life, I can only harness resentful energy after I got thrown into Burial Mound and met her there.

Wei Wuxian asks the lady to come closer.

The lady leans and Wei Wuxian whispers to the spirit's ears, telling them to ruin Wen Chao as much as possible, but not too much since he too wants a play in ruining him in near future.

The lady hides her giggles behind her sleeve and pats Wei Wuxian's head. Wei Wuxian lets her introduce herself, the name is Mei Liang, and she lost her son and she always yearns for one and she hadn't had the chance to have one.

"I can be your son, Niang. N-Niang can call me A-Xian"

Mei Liang is stunned for a second, then she pats his head again and gives him a soft motherly smile, before vanishing to terrorize Wen Chao with other spirits.

Not 5 seconds pass and Wen Chao is already looking frantic as the ghosts mess with his head and scramble the border between his reality and hallucination with Wei Wuxian's help on slipping resentful energy into Wen Chao's head too.

(It's not that taxing, considering that Wen Chao is a weak cultivator. But it's a bit hard since he had received a calming soul ceremony which makes the resentful energy is harder. But eh, he manages)

His crazed eyes look right and left, scrambling his feet on the ground, looking for something,

Or rather, Someone that wants to haunt and rip him apart.

Chao Chao~

"It's that bitch! I threw her here and she comes back to haunt me! Save me! Save me!"

Crazed Wen Chao scrambles on his feet to one of the nearest Wen disciple's legs.

Around him, everything changes.

Where is he?

In a room of wood and only 1 exit.

Why is there blood everywhere?.

I-is that a torn limb?

Footsteps are getting closer and closer.

He scrambles on the floor, his back hits the wall.

The door opens with a creak.

The sound of creaking bounces through the whole wooden room, amplifying it into something more terrific.

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