¶chapter 20¶

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I was on my bed drawing some of my favorite characters with my palismen buttercup sitting next to me "these could look better" I say to her, she looks at me and I can tell she agreed "this Marcy one is the best" I get up and put on the wall, I hear taping and turn to see rascal at the window I opened it and he had a small note with him that read:

Hey y/n, I'm not doing anything in a while so we should go out together and do something, so if you'd want to meet me and go out meet me in 30 minutes where we first met

I sat the note down and pat the birds "thanks boi" he then chirped, I went to my closet thinking of what to wear "well what you think buttercup?" She flew up to me and told me to wear the same thing when we first met so I did, It was a bit cold so I put a pink Jacket

Before I left my room I put rascal and buttercup in my pocket and went down stairs to see king and luz vigorously drawing "uh what are you guys doing?" I asked, "we're having an art battle now go!" King demanded, "fine whatever" I say

Walking outside I pulled my palimen out of my pocket and it turned into a staff, I sat on it "okay buttercup let's fly!" I say and it took off

Getting to the spot I hop off but didn't see him so I waited, I feel someone suddenly grab me and I threw my arm back and hit someone, I turned around and see him "ah! I think you broke my nose" hunter said with his hand to his nose

Surprised I say "I'm so so sorry I didn't know it was you!", " no, no its fine I shouldn't have tried to scare you" he told me, "let me take you home to help ok?" He nods and we get on my staff and go

Getting to the owl house we go threw my room window so no one sees him, I take him to the bathroom and shut the door and grab some tissues, "try not to drip it on the floor" I say putting a hand on him and slowly healing him, "I thought you was in illusion track?" He says with his head down

"Well I'm in healing and illusion" I tell him, why didn't you use it last time?" He asked, "it takes a lot out of me" just then someone knocked on the door "who are you talking to?" Luz asked opening it

I put my foot in the way just in time "uhh no one" I tell her, "but then-" she stopped hearing someone sniffle and pushed threw the door seeing him "w-what why is he- its him isn't it?" She looked at me, "...maybe" her eyes wided "oh no here comes the questions" I mumbled

She smiled "how did this happen? Why him? How long a go? Am I the last to know? Tell me!" She was almost bouncing up and down "if I tell those will you not ask for the rest of the day?" I ask, she nodded waiting for an answer

I sigh and tell her "your the last to know, its was a week ago, he's adorable, and-" "y/n accidentally confessed to me" he chimed in laughing

"Could have let me say it and STOP sniffling let it out" I say tapping the back of his head, "what..happened?" Luz asked, "he tried to scare me from behind" I say going back to healing him, "that makes scene, got to go bye" luz left

I finally healed it and was a bit tried "sorry again" hunter said, "its fine, I'm just a bit tried we can still go out and do stuff" I tell him, we leave and have fun

I'm tried so sorry for grammar missaks but here you go see you next time byeeee<3

unknown (golden guard/hunter x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant