°chapter 8°

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She unlocks the door and leads him outside "Now get on" y/n says smiling excitingly untying hunter and getting on her staff, he gets on and holds her waist, they was to excited to notice how close his hands was from her chest, "alright buttercup let's fly" she says to her butterfly palisman

They flew for a while when they finally get there and land and hide behind a tree, "give me my mask and staff now" hunter said

"Alright here" she gives him the mask and makes him a fake staff "I'll follow you there" y/n says, "alright let's go" he says grabbing her hand and going in the Castle

We go in and luckily no one was around, "golden guard?" Hunter stopped and I bumped into him "hide" hunter whispers "make it quick hunter" I use an invisibility glyph

The person runs over to him "where have you been?!" They say, "somewhere" hunter said, "well come on the emperor wants you" they say taking him to belos

Half way there she gasped and used illusion magic to look like a guard before someone saw,  they get there and go in belos room

He was sitting and his head was in his hand and his face was covered but I could still tell that was looking down "I found someone for you" they said, "if its not-" he cut himself off "you to can leave the golden guard with me" belos said

We left but be for the door closed I snuck back in and hide behind a pillar, "hunter where have you been" he said getting up and hugging him, "somewhere" hunter says, "please never run away again" belos said, "I'll try Sir" hunter says, "you know my name..use it" he said, "ok belos" hunter said leaving

I was tired while writing half of it so sorry for grammar mistakes byeee<3

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