Side story 1. "Taiga"

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The opal charm that hung from the red-head's neck swung as he sauntered through the forests. It had been a rather quiet day, strange seeing as he lived right next to a bustling society of Divines, being one himself. Although, he never really liked the other Divines, and they didn't particularly enjoy his presence either. Only one Divine from the entire society knew about 'Taiga' and his good nature. 

"Taaaaiiiiggaaaaa!!!" A long, drawn-out calling of the red haired boy's name startled him and made him drop the fresh cilantro he had been picking from the ground. He sighed as a pair of pale arms wrapped around his waist and the dumb blonde he called his best friend buried his face in his hair. "Ahhh you've always had the softest hair bestie!" The boy turned around and stared up at his friend. "Please stop scaring me like that, Ilyian." 

The blonde named Ilyian giggled and stepped back, lifting the deer skull mask 'Taiga' always wore. "Oh come on bestie, you know you love me." Ilyian laughed. 'Taiga' stared up at the blonde with a deadpan expression before kicking his shin hard enough for him to jump back. "Agh! Demon! Always attacking your bestfriend!" He said dramatically.

'Taiga' sighed and looked away, opting to bend down and lift the cilantro off the ground. "I wouldn't say 'always', only when you're being stupid." Ilyian stared, mouth agape. "But you attack me, like, everyday!" 'Taiga' Looked at his friend and sighed. "Exactly." He stood tall and stepped towards his house.

"Soooo are you coming to the next ascension ceremony? I heard it'll be three in one day." 'Taiga' grimaced and yanked the cabinet door open, placing the freshly picked cilantro in the vegetables drawer.  "You know I don't go into.. that place unless I need to sell something. Besides, I'll be out of state next week on a trip so no. Even if I wanted to, for some ungodly reason, I wouldn't be able to." He said with a sour tone.

"Taiga.... you can't hold on to grudges like this forever. You're always so sour and pessimistic. If you just tried to interact with the people, maybe life wouldn't seem so bad." Ilyian flinched at his friends wild and betrayed glare. "They  unofficially shunned me from that hell hole. Didn't want to look at my imperfections or my 'useless talents'. My skin isn't milky white and a smooth, untainted color. My hair is not black, brown, or blonde. My eyes are two. different. colors." He hissed. 

Ilyian stared sorrowfully at his friend. 'Taiga' always had a sad, unfriendly aura surrounding him. Said aura caused by the misfortune of a cruel stereotype pushed on everyone who lives in the land of the Divines. What he had said was true. Although the city was a very accepting place, it had it's flaws in the system, and 'Taiga' was subjected to these flaws specifically, and at such a young age. 

At age 3 he learned to draw, practicing hard everyday. The problem being, art is not a helpful skill to the city. Pleasant and convenient as art is, it does not assist the economy, and Taiga was pushed away from it by force. He hasn't lifted a pen in that manner since he was eight years old. When he turned 13, people began gossiping about his appearance. He had not the pale skin of an average Divine, nor the height. 

He was a tan boy, cheeks and shoulders and thighs, littered with freckles. Curly, fiery, red hair. A pale green left eye, and an ocean blue right eye. Although the boy was not particularly unattractive, rather he was gorgeous, he was considered beautiful in an uncanny way. Therefore, people considered him an issue. A disturbance and a distraction to the functions of the Divine city. He left to live on his own when he was 16. 

Ilyian sighed as the markings on his left hand began to glow. "Mother is calling me. I will visit tomorrow, Taiga. I'm sorry for prying." His friend sighed and hugged his waist. "It's fine, I understand that you just want to integrate me into society again, but I just don't fit in, and I never will Ilyian." Ilyian nodded and smiled softly before leaving. 

'Taiga' watched as his friend left. He sighed and shut the door to his cottage. "One day, Ilyian.., one day you will know my real name. Not just some stupid code name I made in a panic." 'Taiga' mumbled to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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