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Karl pov.

"Karl you need to eat"

"I'm not hungry ponk"

"You haven't eaten in two days"

"IM NOT FUCKING HUNGRY SAM" i screamed at the three guys trying to feed me as i threw the food on the floor and walked to my room.

"Karl calm down!" Alex yelled trying to follow me.

"Shh, Alex calm down"

"Why!? Its killing me that george is missing and Karl won't eat, drink or shower or do anything for that matter!"

"Calm the fuck down you know how much ponk is scared of screaming" sam growled

"I'm sorry, I just want Karl to calm down and eat and I want george here so he can tell Karl to eat"

"I get it but yelling won't do anything" sam held onto ponk tight as the smaller boy buried his head in sams chest covering his ears.
George pov.

I fluttered my eyes open as i sat up. Rubbing the sleep away from my eyes.

I looked around seeing i was back in that fucking room again.

I sat there for a sec but was pulled back into reality when i heard a scream come from outside.

Jumping up and looked out the window, listening to the scream scared me shitless but i figured it was coming from the shed.

"N..no...I have to leave...they're gonna kill me..." i muttered to myself but was cut from my thought when two hands grabbed my waist.

"I see your awake hun" it was sapnap

I turned and pushed him away "d..don't touch me!"

"Hey calm down, just le-"

"No you and dream are gonna kill me next and I know it! And stop with the nickn-" i was cut off by sapnap shoving me down, forcing me to land on the cold hard wood floor with a thud.

"Stay there until I get back with dream do you fucking understand me?" His  tone was ferm and threatening but his gaze softened when tears started flowing from my eyes.

"George, im-"

"Just get the fuck away from me!"

Sapnap quietly growled and left. I sat there and hugged my knees to my chest and cried.

I wanna go home...tell karl I love him...apologize to my parents...tell me my mom I don't hate her...i-

My wish was cut short when sapnap slammed the door open and walked in with dream.

I had to calm down but i still dont want the two around me...I want their head on a fucking stick.

"Sapnap, why is he on the floor?"

"He woke and I guess heard that girl, well I grabbed his waist about hug him when he turned around and yelled at me...I lost my temper"

"And?" Dreams voice was soft but starting to sound agitated. Maybe he'll kill sapnap if he gets mad enough...

"And I kinda pushed him making him hit the floor and my tone was a bit harsh but I tried to apologize but he just yelled at me again"

"Sapnap iv told you so many fucking times to control your anger"

"I know.." sapnap lowered his head in shame..be ashamed...drowned in your fucking shame...

Dream turned his attention to me who is still on the floor and slowly walked over to me.

"Back. Up."

I didn't move, i know i cant get away.

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