Ch.10: Broken glass

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Somberly I walked towards the car. It was a fancy limo with blacked out windows. I got in and my father sat across from me. "It's not abuse. It's always been for your own g-" he stared but something inside of me told me it's time I fought back. "If it was my own good then why did I have to hide it!" I shot back. "Because you overreact and twist your words. Then people start court cases over a misunderstanding. It's better for everyone if you just kept quiet. Others wouldn't be stressed to help you. You wouldn't burden anyone. That poor lawyer would still be alive. You killed him. This whole thing is your fault. Tell me boy. How does it feel to have the blood on your hands?" He smirked as he said it. The same smirk he had when he said told me my brothers died. The smirk that appeared in my nightmares. The face that brought me back to every worst moment of my life. He laughed and said "like I said I tried to keep you from this. But you never listened. Appearances are everything, and yours is ruined. Their like glass once it's shattered you can't fix it and even if you do it'll never be that same. I put so much effort into you, cleaning up your mess, dealing with the chips in your appearance. Your suicide attempt, your scars, EVERYTHING! Now you've messed up your appearance and dented mine!" He hissed and then smacked me across the cheek. Then the car door opened and father shoved were me out of the car on to the hard pavement. "I think you need a physical representation of what it means to be broken." Father said calmly. It was spine chilling. He harshly grabbed me and dragged me like a rag doll a crossed the sidewalk into the house. He didn't bother going to the training room. He grabbed a vase from a side table and smashed it in my face. The glass shattered and shards flew at me, leaving cuts all over me. But I couldn't care less about the glass sticking out of me. I stared at the broken vase. It was my mother's. "See, once broken it's gone. There's no fixing that. Just like how hard it will be to fix this." Father said and then a 'snap' followed by my screams echoed through the house. "I'm sorry! I never men-" I tried to speak through my sobs but was quickly muzzled by my father. "Seems you need to learn how to keep your mouth shut. If the neighbors hear, you might cause another lawyer's death." I stared down at my arm that slumped like putty. It was my right arm. Of course. My father then grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me down to the bathroom. When he throw me hard on the tile a sharp pain shot through my skull. The sound of rushing water is all that filled my ears though I could hear faint shouting from my father. All of a sudden I was picked up and my head was submerged underwater. The air in my lungs that I desperately clung on to soon left my body. Without to air I felt empty. The coldness made me feel isolated. The pressure made me stressed. I began to fade in and out of consciousness. My head was harshly pulled out of the freezing cold water and dragged to the kitchen. Why do I have to fuck up everything. It's all my fault. Someone died because of me and hear I am wishing for mercy. I deserve this. God I'm such an idiot! I stared at my father as black splotches filled my vision. "Oh no, you can't fall asleep yet." He said making a tsk sound. He handed me a glass of water and a little bit of food. He also removed the muzzle. I slowly let the water trickle down my throat to avoid making the pain in my head swell. I nibbled on the food a little but I wasn't really hungry. After I set the food down expecting my father to place the muzzle back on. He didn't. It was strange that father just stood by the stove. He didn't turn to me at all like he was preoccupied. I didn't get it but in a few seconds it made perfect sense. The unmistakable screech of a kettle pierced my ears. Sizzles filled the room as the kettle left the stove. The sound of the water swirling around was also as terrifying as when Endeavor splashed the still boiling water right in front of me. I flinched away shocked that he went as far as to use my trauma against me. In a few seconds my father grabbed my face and turned my head harshly. Steaming watered came rushing out on to my face most likely causing the already damaged eye sight of my left eye to permanent blindness. I went to scream but the hand on my face move to my mouth muffling my retaliation. I clawed at the hand desperate for something to stop but the hand only lit on fire leaving a hand shaped burn crossed my face. After all the water left the burning hot kettle my father dropped his hold on my face allowing me to sink to the floor. He looked over me lifted the kettle with a crazed look in his eyes. One that reminded me of mothers. The kettle came down like lightning, striking me with hot white pain. His force was so hard it dented the kettle. I wanted to run to scream to do anything but instead my body lied there limp and my father planted bruises and burns all over my skin. My consciousness faded in and out, causing the assault to be more like flashes. Like still images in a flip book that's not being played at the right speed. I didn't think it would ever get so bad. I knew my life would be over if we lost but I would have never guessed it be this bad. In my final minutes before the comforting darkness washed over me I was able to tap out in Morse code 'F U' and see my fathers face flare up in understanding. Man I hope Izuku and Katsuki are doing okay with out me.

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(A/n: I might not post for a while sorry for the long wait I accidentally deleted an almost finished chapter and lost motivation to rewrite it for a while.)

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