Ch.4: trust

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Todo's pov
After I watched Castra walk away. I decided to rant to Midoriya or Midoriyas contact. But when I opened my phone I saw my texts delivered and were read. I felt my heart skip a beat. I hesitated on what to say but decided to text him to meet me at the U.A gates after school.

Midoriya's pov
After lunch I had a free period so I used it to inform Mr. Aizawa on what's going on with Todoroki

Aizawa's pov
"I made a promise to Todoroki that I would not tell a soul this but after hearing that he's cutting I feel the need to get him the help he refuses. Todoroki's father is abusive especially towards him. His father forced his mother into a quirk marriage so they would have a child with an ice and fire quirk. Because Shoto has the quirk he wanted he trains him harshly to the point of abuse. When his mom or siblings tried to help the wound get hit. It drove his mother insane. One night Shoto over heard his mother saying his left side looks to much like his dad. When he tried to talk to her she mistook him for endeavor and throw boiling water on his face. His sister use to bandage him up after training but she snapped one day and yelled and him and moved away. One of his brothers is presumed dead. But his body was never found. The other committed suicide and in his note told Todoroki he was never a brother to him. Endeavor also manipulated Shoto mentally making him think what he did was for his own good and that he cared about him and how he is the only one who didn't leave him. At school rumors spread about todoroki which I foolishly believed. Last night I unblocked him and he had been texting me. After reading the text the rumors were not true and I broke up with him for no reason. Everyone at school believed the rumors people were bullying him. He got a girlfriend ever though his gay because his dad said it was best for him and she is really abusive."

I was shocked and angry and sad. How could I have missed this. How could Endeavor be so cruel to a kid. How could the entire school bully him. How could his family turn their backs on him. "Thank you Midoriya. If you could give me proof of the abuse that would be amazing. I'll do my best to stop this."

Time skip- after school
Midoriyas pov
I stood by the gates waiting for Todo when he texted me. 'I want to make sure I can trust you this time so let's do a trust fall. Look at the roof.' Panicked filled me as I saw a red and white figure taking a step off the roof and beginning to free fall.

490 words (sorry it was so short)

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