Ch.3: watching the storm

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Midoriya's pov
I was hanging with the dekusquad and Bakusquad in a classroom studying when Aizwaw~sensei asked to speak with me.

I followed him into the hallway. "Midoriya, it's been brought to my attention that Todoroki is dealing with depression. He freaks out when I ask him about it and said that you would be able to answer some of my questions." "I don't think that's my place anymore. Maybe if Todoroki~kun and I were still dating but I try to forget his problems and worry about me." "Please, I asked him for people who could calm him down or tell me instead. He only gave two names and said the first person He said left and he might never see them again." "Wait, who are talking about." "His sister fuyumi" "ha he still thinks the bitc- jerk is a good source." I said laughing. "Can you please take this seriously." "Sorry it's hard to take anything to do with that lying bitc- jerk seriously. In fact I almost believe he lied to you about his depression just so you would mess with me." I continue to laugh until I heard Aizawa sigh and say

"look I told Todoroki I wouldn't say this but Bakugo found him in the bathroom crying and bleeding he then passed out by blood loss. He had been cutting. He won't tell me why or what's going on. All I know is ever since you guys broke up everyone turned on him and he seemed to be getting worse and worse and now the cuts. I need someone to help me understand so I can help fix it." Aizawa pleaded. I was at a loss for words. How could I be so stupid as to turn a blind eye to how everyone treated him after the brake up. His greatest fear was to lose all his friends and that's exactly what happened. "I-I..... I'm sorry. I screwed up.... Hey, can we finish this tomorrow I need some time." "Yeah"

I walked back into the classroom and grabbed my bag. I walked back out ignoring to calls from the others in the room. Kachan followed me and grabbed my wrist. "What's wrong deku." He asked concerned "you know what's wrong Bakugo you are the one who found him" and with that I continued my way to my dorm.

When I got there I just processed everything. Eventually I started to think maybe none of the rumors were true and I over reacted. I grabbed my phone. The time read 1:37 am wow I was thinking for a while. I unblocked Todoroki and a flood of messages came through.

'Day 26 since the brake up people have been bullying me especially Uraraka. She can't let go of the fact that I hurt you. Yet she will not say how I hurt you. I found out a new rumor about me this time people say I murdered Toya. I don't know how they knew about him or why they blame me but part of me thinks they're right. If only I took the hit. If only'

'day 5, I've been getting hit and yelled at a lot. Both at school by bullies and at home by dad. Oh I also got a girlfriend. She yells a lot and hit me. But my dad likes her. So I can actually have dinners with her and my dad. Unlike when we were dating. I miss having you with me. I still don't know why you left. I miss our early walks and late night talks. I'm sorry I'm a screw up. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry.'

'Day 12, dad was drunk when I got home so he was really mad and he beat me up real bad. I think I cracked a rib. I'm questioning if I have a concussion.'

He sent me a message every day the first few days were begs for me to talk to him and were the most emotional. The oldest text read

'Izu or would you rather Midoriya. I don't know what I did but I'm sure you have a good reason to be mad I mean I'm a fuck up. Can't even recognize abuse so how could I even hold a relationship. But please just tell me why. Why do you hate me. I still need you even as a friend is enough for me. I just need you in my life. Please what did I do how can I make it up to you.'

I felt the guilt consume me as a read the texts the things he said disproving the rumors and showing he didn't even know what was happening. Everyone was so mean to him on my behalf.

Time skip- lunch the next day
I told kachan I had to use the bathroom and watched Todoroki getting beat up by Uraraka, Denki, and Jiro. After they left he cried for a bit till his phone went off he looked at it then got up and went to the bathroom. When he left he had make up covering his scar and I followed him behind the school where he met up the the gf from his texts they talked for a bit but then she got angry because he started to cry and it ruined the makeup causing his scar to expose. She yelled and slapped and degraded him. It hurt so bad to watch. When she left he look at his phone again and looked shocked then typed on it and I received a text.

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