the new hashira's?!?!

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Yn's pov
Me and giyuu got called to see the master I wonder what that is about. I thought to myself. Looks like im almost there might as well start running.

Oh giyuu!! I was so excited to see him because I haven't got to see him in a while. Since we got separated after final selection. "GIYUUU" I shouted when I saw him I was so happy to see him!

We both hugged each other and then we bolted to the master. Im nervous on what he wants. What if he tells giyuu that he can be a hashira but im a bad slayer ahhhh.

Me and giyuu got there and we saw 2 girls one with black and the other with white. "The master will be here soon" they said in sync. As we were waiting for master me and giyuu caught up on things.

"the master is here" the 2 girls said in sync again. Why do they always talk in sync I thought. "giyuu, yn you are probably wondering why your hear have any thoughts on why?" "uhh food?" I said "death?" Giyuu said. The master chuckled at our answers. "No your both wrong I wanted to ask if.. You both wanted. To become hashira's?"

HASHIRA'S? BOTH OF US? WHAT?! I thought. "well.. Do you except?" "I accept but I can't allow me sister she is only 14!!" Giyuu said worried "a very powerful 14 year old to be exact, did you know there is another 14 year old hashira muichiro tokito?"

Hmm I will accept and I really want to try being friends with this muichiro guy I thought.  "I will accept master.." "b-" "no buts giyuu this is my choice im glad you worry about me but its my choice" "ok but know I love you" "aww I love ya too brotha"" ah ok then" giyuu said in a weird out tone.

"very well you both need to keep training every day to get stronger, and we will build your estate right now in the meantime you can stay in the butterfly estate" "oh and I forgot to mention there will be a pillar meeting tommarow, okay bye children".

Giyuu's pov
Im really scared for yn I mean what if she dies being a hashira is a big responsibility I hope she knows that.

Yn's pov
So were is the butterfly estate again? " hey giyuu do u know were the butterfly estate is?" "Ask your crow cause im not sure I was thinking the same thing" "ugh fine hey sato? Were is the butterfly estate?" "CAW CAW BUTTERFLY ESTATE IS THIS WAY FOLLOW MEEE" "YOU DONT NEED TO YELL YOU KNOW!" Ugh this crow.

~time skip to when they got there~

Yn's pov
Hm I wonder if there is anyone here? I thought. "hey g-" oh? Were did he go? Eh he is somewhere in here. "Hey are you one of the kids master sent to live with us?" A girl with black and purple hair asked. "Yes I dont know where my brother is though be probably wondered of um sorry. " its alright, im shinobo what is your name" "im yn the new ocean piller" "ah yes And your brother is the water pillar?" I just nodded in response. "Well you better get some rest I mean its dark, and we have a pillar meeting, I will go find your brother." "Okay..".

~time skip to when you both are laying down ~

Giyuu's pov
I see yn is sleeping I should probably get some sleep to.

~time skip to the morning~

Yn's pov
" arg.... ugh... Erg.." *yawns* "oh right we have a pillar meeting today I dont wanna be late I should wake my brother up". " Giyuu wake uppp". "ugh we have a pillar meeting right?" "mhm"

~time skip to getting there

Yn's pov
"Looks like were here" master called me and giyuu over to not let the others notice we hid behind this thing until he told us to come out and introduce ourselves.

"Okay you can come out now" the master said. They all look shocked at the height comparison. "im giyuu tomioka the water pillar" I heard giyuu say. I just froze I was scared. Giyuu nudged me signaling me to speak. "I- I am y-yn the o-ocean p-pillar" " nice to meat you all" I said in a confident tone.

"Alright You to can sit by whoever you want" I sat by this pink and green haired girl and this black and blue haired boy I think it might be muichiro because he looks young. Giyuu sat by shinobo and this red and yellow haired man. "Why dont you all introduce yourself.

Sanimei Shinazugawa
Gyomeil Himejima
Shinobu Kocho
Muichiro Tokito
Mitrusi Kanroji
Obanai Iguro
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tengen uzai

So the one im sitting by is muichiro.

~time skip after the meeting~

Yn's pov
" YN-SANNNNN" I looked over to see misturi? I think that was her name. "Hey.. Your name is misturi correct" "mhm" "so what's up?" "Master wanted me to tell you that your estate is ready!!" "Oh okay do you wanna look at it with me?" "sure!!"

~time skip to after you saw your estate and everything ~

I think im going to go for a walk I saw that there was a cherry blossom tree nearby. Im almost at the tree wait I see a boy with black hair and teal tips? Oh its that muichiro im gonna say hi maybe we can be friends!!

{hiya! Author gonna edit another chapter because this one was kinda short but hope ya love it and I will edit the next chapter in like 2 hours so yea bye lovleys!!}

954 words

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