chp : 11

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A/N: thank you so much for the votes! i didnt expect em at all so seeing the notifications rlly surprise me LMAOSJSJSJ
anyways, this next part takes place a month after chp 10!

you walked into class and sat beside your bestfriend, "morning~"

"g'morning princess" f/n sung to bsf/n, taking her hand and kissing it

"morning" she whispered to you, making you laugh

you let the two lovebirds do their thing and zoned out, looking at another certain individual


you unconsciously smiled to yourself as you watched him make a paper airplane at his desk

you then heard snickering beside you and turned your head to see none other than the lovebirds

bsf/n suddenly hugged you so tight to the point you swear you heard your bones crack a bit

"you did that slow smile thingy y/n~" she sung, "you're in looooove~"

you struggled to try and pry her body off of yours while managing to say, "i'm not, what're you talking about"

she finally let go of you and crossed her arms to match f/n, "you're not very convincing, y'know that y/n?" f/n says

you rolled your eyes, "again, i don't know what you're talking about."

you looked towards h/n once more and saw he was giving the airplane he was making to a girl

you had secretly hoped that it was for you, but those hopes were quickly shut down by the sight in front of you

your heart started to ache

"he has fangirls, he's just satisfying them... right?" you thought to yourself

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