Chapter Eleven - Seekers Luck?

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It's been close to three weeks since Halloween and Grant hasn't seen his Camille since. Instead of the bubbly, giggling salty pie that he's known since he was 11 he's got this quiet girl who hides behind a fake smile.

Grant was worried, more than anything for Camille. He just wanted to get his best friend back.

The four Ravenclaws were sat in the library prepping for their next potions exam when Jeremy slammed his face against his book. "I am bored out of my mind."

"Well what do you suggest we do?" Grant asked putting 'his' pencil down, which was stolen from Camille's stash.

"Can we please go to the quidditch game tomorrow?" Jeremy pleaded quietly careful to avoid the two girls gazes.

Grants gaze widened as he glanced at Camille carefully observing her reaction. She just put her book away and 'smiled' when she noticed Grants worried expression. Grant looked hesitantly back to Jeremy "I don't think that's a very good idea."

Cho started gathering her things quickly while quietly saying "Why not? No one said you had to go."

The look on Grants face could only be described as worried betrayal. He kept glancing at Camille who still seemed to have a smile on her face. "I just think that ma-"

Camille spoke up quickly "You should go. It'll be fun and studying is taking a toll."

The other threes jaws fell to the floor but Jeremys flabbergasted look soon turned into a smile "Are you being serious Camille? Like your okay with that. I mean last time we were at a quidditch match you.. well ya kinda.. you know what I mean."

"Way to be subtle about it." Cho remarked. "But seriously Cam if your alright with it?"

"Yes guys you really should go. I've got to meet up with Madam Pumfrey anyways and I don't want to drag you guys along with me. It'll give you something to do." Camille set her things in her lap before rolling a bit away from the table. The others stood following suit.

Grant bent down to Camille's ear so the others wouldn't hear "are you sure about this?"

"Yes! Why do you guys walk on eggshells with that topic. You all should go."

The quartet had made their way out of the library now and were headed for Ravenclaw tower. Camille stopped right before the stairs "Plus I want to know how Hufflepuffs new captain adjusted to the team. I heard it's wonder boy Cedric Diggory."

Jeremy clapped his hands together excitedly "It's settled then! I'll meet you guys tomorrow morning, the usual spot".

"Sounds great"

"Yeah, sure"

The group had finally reached the plethora of stairs that led to Ravenclaw tower. When Cho looked at Camille. "Please can we try the lift? Grant told us about it and I'm way to tired to hike up those stairs."

The glare that the brown haired girl gave to Grant was venomous "You weren't supposed to tell anyone!"

The blonds eyes widened as his hands shot up in surrender "it slipped!"

A small smirk appeared on Jeremys face "mhm slipped." He pointed an accusing finger at Grant "first thing this kid said to us when we asked how you got around was 'she has her own private lift!' He squealed like a little girl!"

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