Chapter Two: The Twins

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I don't like thinking about that door. I'm going to have to put a stop to that. I'm sick of seeing it, half ajar in my mind's eye. It doesn't even bring curiosity anymore, just disgust.


Most weeks pass without interest. I wait for them to be over. Like I said, I like to wait. The anticipation of knowing something is going to happen, but never quite sure what or when it will be. It gets me. This week, however, I did know what I was waiting for. My next art camp day is today. I'm not sure if the change of pace is welcome. It takes away the unpredictability of it, all of the pondering of what might happen next while I wait. I know what will happen next. I will go to the Community Center, and be uncomfortable for a couple of hours.

My notebook lost a lot of space last week. Usually it's only one or two pages a day that get scribbled out. At camp it was 12, because of course, I have to be doing art. This time they're probably going to want to look at it, even. How unpleasant. I don't want any of those people to see anything I draw. I'm going to have to work on being a faster scribbler. Maybe I can pass it off as abstract art. I'm a unique soul, all these chaotic lines speak deeply to me. That sort of thing.

I don't want to get up. My record player is turning slowly, playing the ambient sounds of Messonaic Wyles' first album; Jean was Grean. It's sort of experimental, probably not your thing. It's at a low enough volume that it blends nicely with my room sound, neither of them drown the other out. I wish I could leave my ears here when I go. Then at least one part of me would stay comfortable. But I can't. They're attached to my head. I should probably feed my mice before I have to go.

The hot pink mouse is named Daryl. He's the alpha male. Mice don't work that way, I know. But Daryl certainly acts like they do, and the other three don't dare challenge him, so I'm not going to either. He stands up and sniffs the air when he sees me approaching with the food. What a legendary guy. I make sure he gets his food first. I can't have him getting jealous. The orange and green ones, Joaquin and Dastardly Betty, poke their noses out of their little cave curiously when they see that Daryl's getting fed. They get their food next. Loss Ness must still be hiding somewhere. Food isn't enough to get her excited. I open the top of the cage and poke some into the cave anyway, just to make sure. Daryl glares at me defiantly. I won't be bringing any of these guys to class, regardless of the twin's requests.

My jumpsuit is in the wash, so I'll have to go for the backup option today, a Pantone 448c Messonaic Wyles t-shirt, which I ordered at the same time, and some regular beige pants, which are close enough. It doesn't give the full effect I like, makes me a little too approachable for my taste. But it's better than anything else I have currently available.

My notebook and pen are already tucked into my belt, my mice are fed, my room will wait for my return, I'm as ready to go as I'll ever be.


When we pull up outside the Community Center this time, we're a bit early. Unfortunately for me, the twins are standing outside of the building. Their shining eyes lock onto me in the car like an automatic targeting system for a missile, and they grin cheerfully and wave.

"Oh, are these friends of yours?" My mother asks.

"No. Those are the twins." I tell her.

She smiles at them and waves back. "What are their names?"

"The twins." I repeat. I remember their names just fine, the business card hasn't left my pocket. I just feel like the less my mother knows about them, the better off she is.

"Ok, well, tell the twins hello for me. And maybe you should get to know them!" She says.

I nod and climb out of the car, I would rather not do either of those things. The twins wait by the door, their heads turning to follow me as I approach, not a muscle moving on their vacantly smiling faces.

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