Forgotten Birthday

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This is a one shot already posted on my page. So if you already read it, you don't have to read it again.

Bakugou's POV
Today is the first time I get to celebrate my birthday with my classmates. In the past I guess you could say I had friends but none of them would remember my birthday. Every year I would celebrate my birthday with my parents, my boyfriend Izu and his mom.

I'm usually sad on my birthday, but I feel like this year is going to be different. I have the bakusquad and the rest of the class never forgotten anyone's birthday. I get dressed and walk out my dorm room just to run into my boyfriend.

"Hey Izu." I said happily. "Happy Birthday Kacchan." he replied before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Are you excited for today?" he said to me. "Yea. I feel like it's gonna be different from the other years." I replied with a smile. "You can go down first, so no one will see us together." I said to him. "Alright have a nice day. I'll give you your present later." Izu said before giving me a quick kiss and running off downstairs.

Izu and I are keeping our relationship a secret because we got made fun of back in middle school. We don't want to take that risk at UA so we decided it's best that we hide it so it doesn't cause extra distractions. The only people that know are our parents, some of the teachers, and Monoma.

No one in the class knows that Izu, Monoma, and I are best friends. We are also unofficial members of class 1b. We train with them in our free time since they all have good quirks and they are fun to train with. Vlad King is also a cool guy. Sometimes he spares against Izu and I for extra training.

I walk downstairs to see no birthday breakfast that the class usually does on birthdays. Hmm that's weird, maybe they're doing something different for me. I make myself some eggs, bacon, and toast and quickly run off to class.

I walk into class and see everyone in their groups talking. I walk up to the bakusquad and see what they're talking about. "Hey losers." I said in my normal tone. "Hey bakubro, how are you man." Kirishima said before slinging his arm around my shoulder. "I'm fine. Y'all know what day it is?" I said already anticipating that they remembered. "Dude it's friday. How could you forget." Denki said with a shocked look. "We finally have the weekend tomorrow." Aero said happily. "We should hang out this weekend." Mina said.

At that point I blocked out all their conversation. I look at Izu and saw him visibly get saddened after seeing my expression. I know they forgot my birthday, but there is a high chance that they are doing a surprise party. I have to have hope. I refuse to believe that they forgot my birthday.

Morning classes ended and no one has said anything about my birthday. I was about to leave but Aizawa stopped me. "What is it Sensei?" I asked. "Happy Birthday Problem Child." He said with a small smile. I was shocked and teared up a bit. I blinked my tears away so he wouldn't see them. "Thanks Sensei. I'm glad you remembered." I said before giving him a smile and walking out.

I walk up to my squad with my lunch and sat down by Kirishima. "Bakubabe what did Sensei want?" Mina asked. "None of your business raccoon eyes." I replied before eating some of my curry. "Woah bro calm down, she was just asking a question." Kirishima said before patting my shoulder. "Whatever" I scoffed. It really seems like they forgot about my birthday.

"Hey class 1a losers!" I heard Monoma say before locking eyes with mine. Everyone in class 1a started to look at Monoma. "What do you want Monoma?" "What is it this time?" "When are you gonna leave us alone?" I heard a bunch of people say. "Don't worry, I just want to have a private conversation with the Pomeranian." he said. "Alright whatever." I said before getting up, but right when I stood up I felt a hand grab my arm.

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