Chapter 25 - their pov

Start from the beginning

It's too many secrets.


I'm the second son and I didn't know- why did Jeremy only know..

I could be strong and go ask him but I don't even want to look at them two right now.

Not to mention what I found out about Janessa..

My little sister has two kids- i'm not judging her or anything but she actually is a little young but all that matters is that they are taken care of.

if this so called brother is older.. then dad was just about her age so he can't be a hypocrite.

Honestly this is too much for me right now.


I went back to the kitchen and continued making a fruit bowl with the spicy chile's.

I eat when I'm stressed.

To avoid anyone talking to me I put my earbuds in and had the music blasted.

She's lying- she knows i know about the bruises and they bought it.

Honestly I hope she's okay because what I saw was scary.

Her kids are adorable too.

But no a brother? That's shocking and the fact is that we don't even know our own blood.

Who keeps siblings away from siblings? there's got to be a explanation.


A few seconds after Janessa yelled it was silent and I was about to speak when he walked off.

I let out a sigh and quickly followed behind him.

" dad what the hell was that? " I asked coldly.

I know he's my father but he shouldn't have put his hands on her- she didn't do anything wrong.

" watch who you're talking to " he said and I scoffed.

" you shouldn't have put your hands on her! how did she know about him- and how did she know about mom? " I asked.

" I know it was wrong- I already hate myself for it and I have no idea because you're the only one who knew besides my father and brothers " he said.

" okay but you almost killed her, why would you do that? " I asked angrily and stepped in front of him.

" do me a favor, get the hell out of my way " he said in a dead cold tone and I scoffed before moving out the way.

" whatever, but don't drive your family away because you didn't want to tell them " I said and walked away.

He can deal with his own problems.

I can't believe she has two kids- who would've thought..

I walked to the kitchen and saw Nathan there and from here you could hear his music blasting.

He looked up at me and gave me a mean mug before leaving but not without bumping into me.

Yeah that's fair- I deserve that.

The only reason i know is because I saw him a few times when I was younger and I was promised not to tell anyone.

Anthony is a child from a one night stand- father cheated on mom and the mistress had consequences.

But father didn't want anyone to know so Anthony was with his mom.

What can I do about that.. exactly nothing.

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