The curly-haired boy nodded before his father flew away after Tag Harris. Jayden turned to her brother, the glowing making the darkness of the forest brighter. "Jay?" Jordan called out, wary of his sister's current state of mind. He knew how terrified she was after the first time she attacked Tag, he didn't want to make things worse. "Are you okay?" Jayden asked, still floating in the air. Jordan studied his sister closely. He saw how the washed-out blue in her hair had become white, slowly growing up to her roots. Jayden's face was calm, neutral for lack of a better term. She didn't seem fazed by anything which was very unlike his sister.

"I'm fine. Are you?" Jordan asked, now standing face to face with Jayden as she slightly towered over him. "Your sister is fine" the echo in her voice changed to one Jordan had never heard before. "Why did you say it like that? You are my sister" Jordan was confused by her words.

Jayden landed on the ground, now looking up at Jordan whose face expressed concern and fear for his sister. "I am Naer Van, your great-great-grandmother. Your sister is safe, she will not remember what has happened. She must accept her fate as my heir"

Jordan had a million questions. He reached out for her hand, holding it in her own. The glowing stopped as Jayden's body went limp. Jordan caught her with ease before his sister groaned. "Where am I?" She asked in her own voice, feeling weak as Jordan helped her stand. "The woods by Sarah's house. Jay, do you remember anything?" Jordan asked her, brushing the hair out of her face. "I heard you... Where is that mother fucker Tag Harris?" Jayden seethed, completely unaware of the events that unfolded.


"No fucking way! Naer Van spoke through me?" Jayden gapped, looking at Jordan in utter disbelief. Her father and Jordan had given her, Lois and Jon the low-down of what happened. Jordan nodded, still freaked out by the experience. "She said you needed to expect your fate as her heir or something" Jordan added, playing with his fingers.

Jayden placed her hand on his, caressing her thumb over his knuckles. She gave him a soft smile. Jonathan felt a tinge of jealousy towards his brother. He hates that Jayden won't talk to him. "I think more tests at the fortress will be helpful" Clark spoke up, feeling the tension between the oldest and youngest triplet. Jayden's previous amused expression fell when her father mentioned the fortress.

She looked at Clark with the iconic 'Really' look. "We both know that he's gonna tell us the same gibberish as before" Jayden sulked, throwing her head back. Lois raised her eyebrow at her daughter. "It's always worth a shot Jayden '' She scolded her. Jayden just shrugged before getting up from her chair and leaving the room. Lois sighed as the girl walked upstairs.

"You two still haven't talked?" The mother asked, letting out an exasperated sigh along with it. Jon only looked more upset. "She won't speak to me. I'm going to bed" He decided, not trying to dwell on the problem. He walked up the stairs, catching Jayden's anger-filled stare.


Jayden ran throughout the school, not caring who she hit or pushed out of the way. She slowed down as she neared the boy's bathroom. "Hey you can't go in there!" a senior shouted. Jayden just flipped him off before walking inside.

Jon was standing over a panicked Jordan, his hands clamped over his head. "What's happening to him?" Jayden asked, rushing down to Jordan's side. "I dunno! He said his head hurt and next thing I know he dragged us in here" Jon panicked himself, messing up the events. Jayden put her hands over Jordan's, making him face her. She felt her powers light up as Jordan's eyes mirrored her own. "Urvish" Jayden told him, her hands glowing slightly onto his.

Jordan's breathing started to slowly return to normal, the pain barely lingering by the time Jayden had released her hands from his head. "H–How did you do that?" Jordan asked his sister. "Doesn't matter. You okay?" Jayden asked him, helping him up from the floor. Jordan nodded gently at his sister. "Yeah. Yeah, It's just a headache" Jordan brushed off. Jayden and Jon shared a look.

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