Oneshot #2

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The Halloween of 2013:

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The Halloween of 2013:

Jayden's first flight

Lois smiled as Jayden ran throughout the costume store. "Come on Momma! We're almost there!" the six year old squealed as they got to the superhero costumes. Her and Clark decided to take the triplets separately this year to have some father-son time and mother-daughter time.

Lois looked at her daughter in shock. Most six year old girls wanted to be a princess or a witch but not Jayden. Lois doesn't know how this obsession with superheroes started but she had a feeling it was either Kara's or Clark's doing. Jayden also loved Supergirl more than Superman to her father's dismay and Kara's delight.

"I wanna be...? This one!" Jayden told her mother pointing to the costume pack. Lois looked at her daughter in surprise. "How about Black Widow instead?" Lois suggested pointing to the costume.

"No Momma, Black Widow isn't real! I wanna be a real superhero! Just like You and Daddy!" Jayden corrected her mother, laughing at her. Lois sighed, if there was one thing Jayden definitely shared with her mother was their stubbornness.

"Okay, but pick another one just incase you change your mind" Lois told her. "Okay!" Jayden nodded picking her first choice from the shelf before picking her second.


"Okay kids, show us your Halloween costumes!" Clark called from the bottom of the stairs. Three pairs of footsteps rushed downstairs. Clark already knew what the boys got but he very curious to what his daughter chose.

Jayden always picked the most random costumes. Last year she was a comic book, with the Green Arrow as her cover much to Oliver's delight.

Jon came down as a vampire, pretending to bite him and Lois. He had his blonde hair gelled up with spikes and fake blood on his face and fake vampire teeth.

Jordan was a wizard with a fake white beard and some of his curly hair sprayed white as well. Jon and Jordan started a fake battle between them as Jayden timidly walked down the last few steps.

Clark almost fell to the floor.

Jayden was Superman.

"Look Daddy! I'm just like you and Momma!" Jayden jumped around, pretending to fly. Clark felt his heart jump, let's hope she didn't fly for real anytime soon or ever.

He looked to his wife who shrugged. "I tried to talk her out of it but someone set her sights on Superman" Lois told him, raising an eyebrow at him.

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