Chapter Two

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'I was so scared when I realised I was different'

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'I was so scared when I realised I was different'

{Author's Perspective}

Clark locked the door to his soon to be old home. He rubbed his temples as he walked towards the living room, noticing the lamp was on. The alien superhero was surprised, it couldn't be Lois, she was sleeping in their room. He quickly used his x-ray vision to see who was awake. Jayden sat on the only couch left in the house, she was wearing her headphones which were blaring music loudly. Clark walked into the room, seeing a few tissues dabbed with blood on the floor and Jayden humming the tune to the song loudly.

"What are you doing up so late?" Clark asked her, Jayden hearing him more than she should. "Every time I almost fell asleep the noises got louder" Jayden muttered, taking off her headphones. "Don't worry Jay, I'll help you to control it" Clark promised his daughter, wrapping an arm around her body. Jayden rested her head on her Dad's chest, his heartbeat soothing her jumpy state. Clark started to hum a small tune as he rubbed Jayden's arm gently.

Clark listened to his daughter's breath even out, her own heart slowing down gently as she finally fell asleep. He knew that Jordan and Jayden may have some kind of powers because of him, and Jayden was suffering the most. Clark lifted his daughter into his arms, making sure she wouldn't wake up he then carried her up to her room.

Clark gently placed her on her bed, before covering her with the comic book blanket she refused to pack away. "Goodnight Jay" Clark whispered, kissing her hair. He carefully walked out when he felt something break under his foot. He silently shouted, removing his foot from whatever he broke. He looked down to see a flag? He picked it up and left the dark room, the flag in his hands.

After closing the door, Clark looked properly to see what he broke. He looked in his hands to see the Pride flag?


Jayden woke up to Jonathan lifting her from her bed. "JON! LET ME DOWN!" She screamed as he ran her downstairs. "Jon, put your sister down," Clark shouted as he put breakfast on three plates. Jayden landed on the ground with a thud. "Jon you're dead" She threatened, giving her brother the evil eye. "Jayden, don't threaten your brother. Jonathan stop annoying your sister" Lois commanded, walking into the kitchen.

A knock on the door echoed throughout the almost empty house. "Jayden will you get that please?" Clark asked. Jayden made her way to the front door, opening it to see who was there. Jayden looked to see someone the young Kent hadn't seen in months.

"Vanessa?" Jayden gawked, seeing her old best friend. She had her hair in braids, and wore a collage hoodie, most likely from her father and some shorts. "Hi, Jayden," Vanessa smiled at her. Jayden couldn't believe that she was standing in front of her. "It's been a while, huh? I heard about your grandma, how are you?" Vanessa asked carefully.

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