❤️Sugar Low Kirishima X Reader❤️

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A/N: Hi everyone! I based this chapter out of my own personal desires of how I'd want a caregiver to act if I were ever in this situation. As a little and a T1D, having sugar lows can be scary! And I usually wake up from nightmares when I drop. So! For any other diabetic littles out there, this one's for you!

It was about 3 in the morning when Kirishima was awoken by you moving around in the bed. You were still asleep, mumbling and tossing and turning. Kirishima took these as sure signs that you were having a nightmare, and usually, that meant that your sugar was dropping.

You're a diabetic, and even though you take care of yourself well when you're feeling big, sometimes when in little space you don't recognize the signs of your sugars fluctuating as well. Normally you would wake up by yourself, but when you don't Kiri takes it upon himself to look after you.

"Baby..." Kirishima whispers as he gently shakes your shoulder. "Y/N, you need to wake up."

The only response he gets is a whine, followed by two tiny fists coming up to rub your eyes and Kirishima instantly knows you're in little space.

"D-Daddy?" You say in a quiet voice, Kiri's gaze towards you softens.

"Hi baby, are you feeling okay?" Kirishima asks, giving you a kiss on your forehead.

Your body feels weak, and your hands are shaky. You also feel really warm and sticky. Overall, you feel really yucky. You furrow your brows in a pout, shaking your head.

"Awe baby..." Kirishima unzips your meter case and inserts the strip into the device. "Here, give daddy your finger." You whine before sticking out your finger, knowing that it's going to sting. If your weren't regressed right now it wouldn't bother you, but little you really doesn't like it.

"I know baby, just really quick, okay?" Kirishima gently takes your hand in his before quickly pricking your finger with the lancet. When the screen flashes the reading, Kiri's expression turns to one of concern.

"Just as I thought, you're 2.8. You poor thing, let's get you some juice, okay?" You reach out your arms with a whine and are instantly picked up by your carer. Kirishima holds your bum with one hand while his other rubs your back on the way to the kitchen.

Once there he opens the fridge and grabs a container of juice, then finds your sippy cup in the back of the cabinet. He shifts you in his arms before filling you the cup, then screwing on the lid and handing it to you.

"Here baby, drink up okay? We need to get those sugars up." You give him a him if agreement and latch on to the sippy cup, drinking the cold juice fairly quickly. "Take your time little one." Kiri chuckles pulling the cup slightly, "I know your feel icky but I don't want you to get an upset tummy either." He gives you a kiss on your forehead before opening the pantry.

"Daddy should get you a snack too, yeah? You'll need something other than the juice to keep you up, and I'm willing to bet that little tummy of yours is hungry." Kiri tickles your tummy with his pointer finger earning a happy giggle. He shifts through the pantry and grabs a packet of animal crackers.

He takes you back up to bed and sits you up in his lap before opening the packet. One by one he takes a cracker out of the bag, your little fingers grasping it out of his hand. The whole scene makes Kiri's heart melt.

Once you've finished your juice and the animal crackers, Kiri tries to set you back down in the bed only to earn a whine from you. You make tiny fists with his T-shirt as you try to cling on to him.

"Hey, hey shh... what's wrong little one?" Kirishima coos trying to calm you down. You're eyes start to well up and tears run down your cheeks. That's when Kirishima remembered that you must have had a nightmare. His heart breaks at the sight of you crying and he swiftly picks you up and lays you on his chest.

"Shh... it's okay baby, daddy's here." He whispers. He rubs you back soothingly, shushing and giving you gentle forehead kisses. After a few minutes you start to calm down, only a scattered sniffle and hiccup escaping your lips.

"Can you tell daddy why you're so upset? What's made my little one cry?"

"I-I hads a bad dweam an an dere was dis... dis big monster chasing me!" You hug into him closer, making Kirishimas hold on you become snug.

"Awe baby... It's okay, daddy won't let any scary monsters hurt you." 

"An an I feeled weally icky..."

"I know baby, and I'm sorry you felt so icky. But that's what daddies are for, to take care of their little ones and make them feel better, and daddy promises that he's not gonna let any monsters hurt his baby."

You lift your head to look at him, sticking out your pinky.

"Daddy pwomise?" Kirishima smiles as he wraps his own pinky finger around yours, and seals it with a kiss.

"Daddy pinky promises. Now, what do you say we try to go back to sleep, little one?"

You nod in agreement with a quiet hum, laying your head back down on Kiri's chest. He pulls the blankets up to cover you both, keeping an arm wrapped around you.

"Fank you's fo wooking after mes." You say with a yawn."

Kirishima smiles before giving you a kiss on your head. "That's what I'm here for baby."

Word Count: 896

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