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Way back, looking through the backbone,
Behind those sweet smile and heavenly voice,
I saw myself in his shoe,
Where London Bridge tumbled as people looked me down—
I didn't pass Medusa's hall of beauty
For I am just me who's not fit into the box of society
So I received swords and harsh punches
Because of my dull screaming colors.

It's true that you'll lose your drive
When you're different in their eyes,
It's not the same anymore like how you perceived the world,
It's unfair and you'll live in doubts,
Even if you have something to show off,
It's not always going to work;
Only beautiful flowers will surely be understood.

He seems to lose the sugar of sweet taste
As judges flew torches attacking his gate,
I feel the heart he mourned,
This is the exact way of soreness when I woke up,
River of "whys" flows from the mountain top,
Can't remember exactly how to stand up.

When I lose one of my feet in a deserted land,
I saw him standing proudly while waving his hand
Saying, "I'm stronger as an iron,"
I carried my boat into the shore,
Letting myself collecting lots of seashells,
Seeing sunshine after living in the cave
As he says, "pull it up and don't mind those hates."

He glows up as beautiful as his voice,
My eyes stings, I flinched in glee,
I realized nothing's wrong in me,
People's eyes are the problem and not me,
I can still call a dark gray places, beauty,
I believe that everything can be beautiful,
Can glow up heavenly in this judgmental world.

His confidence is my engine that I can be like Venus
No matter how they will see my posture,
I don't need anyone's validation for I believe I am beautiful,
I have so much in my pocket but I don't brag,
I will still stand strong like Olympus,
I will be like Vester in a world full of negative people.

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