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I have many uncertainties in life,
I always doubt everything I do,
I always hesitate to step forward for some reason,
Sometimes, this world is too chaotic for me,
I can't bear to face it where society always watched me.

I am grateful that I meet Mahalima during dark month,
Their music sympathize with me,
It never invalidates my feelings and all dramas,
It tells me to enjoy the warm and strong water,
Instead of complaining, ride from it
Or you can go against the current,
Your choice, so probably it's your suit.

In this unexplainable chaotic doodles in the world
I found peace through the five magnificent people,
Their music serves as my safe haven,
My sanctuary when my heart's been blue,
They put on me their best color on a bustling hue
That made my heart abundant of felicity and yearning.

Their pleasant disposition and verifiable self
Serves as my inspiration to help me breathe,
They told me to be proud of my own reflection,
I possess with me my own strength that's been caged,
I just needed to go out of my box to find my innermost,
Now I'm finally heading back to my way back home.

They serves as one of my Mapa and guide me all the way,
My desire to make my chimney to smoke again
Is all because of their individual life stories,
They're like a book that I learned vicariously,
They're one of my homeland and comfort in a world of war,
I feel solace whenever they sing out loud.

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