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"An A'Tin's message to SB19 who rescued her from steeping into the ocean of despair and for defying the seductresses of upsetting notions in her head."

18:19 isn't just all about dramas and mema's. It is all about my journey; it talks about my struggles, anxieties, mistrusts, uncertainties, worrisome thoughts, and the way I endured it, the way I extended my heart and mind and seek something/someone inspirational to help me go through life's obstacles. In short, this is an open diary.

Believe me when I say I always feel that I'm just a burden to my family and I don't want to add more distress in their back. As long as I can carry myself from the storm in my land, I will deal with it alone. As much as possible, I am trying to seek an exit to save myself. Yes, I am trying to outlive my battles. I am calculating everything in my head and if I can't, that's when I'll try to touch another shoulder.

2021 is one of my downfall phase. The adversities I've gone through almost cut off my head and my ambitions. I even swear to myself that if I can't walk with my feet again, I will go on goodbye for good. I've been squabbling hard to get out from hell. I thought it was the end of me not until I meet five-credible who aided me to make me believe in sunlight again. There's a rainbow after the rain.

"There's a light at the end of the tunnel." That's what I told myself to cheer me up when I am starting to live up again in my lonely and creepy archives of thoughts and my only comfort is to write my mind for my resolve. Though I know that I am way too far at the end and I don't know what's waiting for me there, I am taking a leap of faith that God will carry me with his mighty wings.

SB19 came to me because I prayed for them. I asked for a sign and they came to boost me.

18:19 is like a thank you letter to Mahalima (God's instrument in my healing process), the one who stood up with me to beat my dragons, not-to-mention the people who value me. They're here with me to give me a source of hope and to always love what you can give and embrace what you have and what you are as a person. Their songs are beautiful, touching, and expressive. I can rely on them. Their stories have jewels that you can obtain from their books.

They always tell me to never give up on my dreams even if the world seems to hate the things that I do and all about me. Always hold on and never compare the path you've been through to others because we are all dealing with the things we've never talked about. Always be persistent and consistent to shoot for the eye of the eagle. Someday, all the fight you've fought hard will be paid off in God's perfect time.

Always believe. Dream big. Wake up and strive hard a hundred and a thousand times. Make it a reality. SB19 is one of the living proof that our dreams won't stay in a dreamland forever. We can turn them into reality. Just focus. Take failure as an opportunity. We will be bloody before we will reap what we have sowed.

I am sharing with you how I survived the battles that I don't usually talk about and used God's instrument as a weapon every time I am standing on the battlefield of life. Stay positive and stay inspired. You are loved.


Kein, The Wizard's Pen


This is a free-verse poetry and proses that doesn't rhyme.


All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2021 by Wiz Morrison

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