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Five emerging islands full of wisdom,
A land with a fertile soil of versatility and pride,
Bear's fruits and courageous cottages
While spreading the beautiful virtues of hope
To people that's been caged for so long;
They give them source of light,
Show them the places where they've been stabbed
And make them believe again in sunrise.

What a dreamy day to wake up this happy,
Pastel candies wrapped in a bubble of sweets,
Sprinkles of inspiration in a cupcake of dreams,
A background music plays from within the tape,
Rolling deep messages of a wishful islands and seas.

To be truthful, this is what I am—
I don't have the courage to go out of my box,
I am always conscious about the other tongue,
About what they say or what are their stands about me
So I build towers and walls towards them,
Isolated myself too much to the point I'm pushing kind hearts.

A hum of magical weapons peeks into my doors
Telling me to wear my silky golden robe
Carry my flag with high chin and precise walk
While marching with my toes in the dusty road,
Telling me to never forget my baggage and garbage
That in my way, I am still with them in my journey.

They gave me light when I am at my lowest,
They're God's instrument to help me do my best,
Telling me to rest but not to quit
Then come back after the tide will calm from pain—
Their masterpieces is always here to tap me
Every time I am not in the track
Or even I'm below in the creepy archives of my back.

Their songs is my so-called crane from the quicksand where I lay,
Their music gave me light that I needed in the dark,
These five islands is the proof that "I can" and "I will,"
All I have to do is believe in myself and to hold still—
I have to be bloody before I will get there
Yet the price after is what really matter.

"What?" always reminded me to do my passion,
I don't always have to be the best all the time
All I have to do is to do my best to my betterment,
I don't have to compare my shoe to other foot
Because my size is mine so I have to bear it and walk,
I am what I am and I am great the way I am;
So what if I am not the shiniest of all the stars above?

"Go Up" is there to fuel my engine to not just stay where I am,
Go and get up after you've been wrecked straight,
Go against all odds that may come into your way,
Do not just give up so easily without fighting back,
Do not be afraid to spread your wings,
Jump and fly high to the sky if you can,
If you fail, get up then go up again after that.

"Mana" is there to remind me to stay grounded,
It's okay to reach and dream that's higher than the sky
But always walk barefooted in the land
Where you used to start crawling in the muddy grass,
Do not let pride take control your ship,
Always look back to where you started,
A humble heart will get the sweetest reward in time
So stay where you are while reaching for your goals in life.

"Mapa" is there to help me with things I can't say to Mom & Dad,
It also reminded me to love my parents more dearly,
I can't assemble "I love you" personally
So I used it instead to show how much I really care,
I'm not that passionate to showcase the love I have
So a song is the better way to express my heart.

"Bazinga" is always here to remind me to never give a damn,
Haters are always a part of us no matter what,
Just claps back at them and used their knives to get through,
Never mind the insults and bullseye they will throw,
They are not just happy that you finally grow and that's true,
So they will draw hazardous lines in the path you'll walk through,
Beware upon passing and use their obstacles
In order to climb even if it slashes the flesh of your heart.

You see the beautiful rainbow they gave me?
I do not see them as superiors for a lot of islands is much better
But they're one of a kind and no one can change my mind,
These islands aren't perfect for they are all flawed
I am aware about their scars and bruises
But I loved it for it makes them real and perfect.

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