Rikido Sato x Male Reader

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Content Info: My Hero Academia Season 3 spoilers, kiss scene

A/N: There are three versions of this story. The only differences are the main character's pronouns and specific character interactions based around MHA friend groups.

We are all moving into the U.A. dorms today and I am so excited! I mean, we are moving here under the circumstances of the attack on the summer camp but the best we can do is look on the bright side. I think the idea of sharing dorms with everyone is really cool. I'll get to hang out with all my friends more often. Truthfully, there is one man who I am most excited to see here. Rikido Sato has been one of my close friends since we started school and while I have always enjoyed his presence on a platonic level, I later realized that I had developed romantic feelings for him as well. He is a super sweet guy, he works out, and he is just straight-up handsome in my eyes.

Anyways, I'm just gonna stop myself before I continue to pointlessly inner-monologue about how awesome this guy this.

So, after getting the scariest lecture from Mr. Aizawa I have ever heard in my life, and an interesting display of emotion from Bakugo, we got to go into the dorms, explore, and unpack. Later that night...

I was hanging out and talking with the guys after I had finished unpacking.

"I know we could've died," Denki remarked, "But it's kind of exciting to be living here."

"A unified class," Iida started.

Oh brother.

"It's the perfect way to increase ur cooperation and discipline. How smart!" he finished excitedly.

"So, you never relax, do you?" Kirishima questioned.

"He's probably going to take this way more seriously than the rest of us," I quipped.

"You said it. He'll probably make us all do extra unnecessary chores," Sato added.

"Chores are the best way for our team to bond and increase our coordination!" Iida defended.

"Yeah, sure, and bore us to death," I responded.

"You said it, Y/N." Kaminari agreed.

Suddenly, Mina came up after making a sparkly grand entrance with a slight peak at her waist. She suggested we take a look at everyone's rooms. This could be entertaining.

Once mostly everyone agreed, the fun began. I was actually pretty interested in seeing people's rooms but I was especially interested in seeing Sato's. We went through a fair few rooms. Many of them were about what I expected. Each room was like a window into each person's soul. Shoji's was... an interesting choice but honestly good on him for avoiding bankruptcy in our capitalistic society. I doubt he spends a lot of money on shopping. Although, as long as I am a successful hero I guess I can buy as much unnecessary nerd stuff as I want.

We got to Sato's door and I held my breath for what I might see inside. He opened the door and I gasped. It was pretty standard. He clearly had some amount of an eye for interior design since the colors of the room fit nicely but I thought his little baking area was just adorable. I actually had no idea Sato was so into baking, although it makes sense considering his quirk.

"Wow, Sato! Your room is awesome!" I complimented.

His face went a bit red at the compliment and he quickly turned away from me.

"Thanks." He responded quietly. Awe, he's so modest.

"Something smells good, what is it?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh, crap! I forgot about that!" Sato exclaimed, "I finished unpacking really early, so I started to bake a chiffon cake. I thought we could all eat it together."

(ANY GENDER) Friendship and Romance - My Hero Academia One ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora