A Note About Pronouns and Attraction

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After much deliberation, I have decided to make three different versions of each story. The only differences will be the main character's pronouns and specific character interactions based on gender grouping. For the record, I do not believe people can only be friends solely based on gender but I will mainly use the friend-grouping system seen in MHA which tends to divide the groups by gender. Essentially, I will be attempting to make the she/her versions feel feminine, the he/him versions feel masculine, and the they/them version middling/neutral between the two. 

If you don't use they/them pronouns but would prefer a more neutral take on the gender interactions, then I would suggest reading the they/them versions. Ultimately, my goal here is to be as inclusive as possible without having to write like 10 versions of the same story. It would add a whole extra layer of stress for me and severely flood the series. Thank you for understanding.

Attraction - Platonic, Romantic, Sexual

Due to the nature of the pronouns split, I have covered most of the basic basis' for straight, bi, gay, lesbian, pan, etc. members of the LGBTQ+ community. Not all stories will be targeted towards the audience of asexual, aromantic, and other such members of the community. However, I will make sure I write some stories for this audience. Please note, I will NOT be writing any smut/lemons in this series so severely sexual content is not a concern. I would love to write some straight-up friendship one-shots as well so be sure that there will be plenty of variety in my stories. Thank you for understanding.

(ANY GENDER) Friendship and Romance - My Hero Academia One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now