Cutting Classes Is Harder Than Cutting Tags

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Sang-Woo sips his cold soda can, looking at Gi-Hun under the patterned shade. Staring up at the sky while sitting on the grass, his back supported by a white oak tree.

He studies his features from the side. The very ones he fell in love with.

Those eyes, so big and shiny that it warms Sang-Woo's heart every time he sees them; yet break it every time they tear up.

That nose, so firm and strong it contrasts those hopeful pupils.

And those lips. Those damn lips. How dare they look so soft? How dare they be so... alluring?

His eyes linger a little lower, taking a sip of soda at the adam's apple and then arriving at his collar. Two buttons freed from entanglement, loosened up to reduce some heat. And his heart rate rises; he can feel his cheeks reddening. He doesn't know if it's the collarbone or the slightly sweaty skin but whatever it is, it's urging him to gulp.

His gaze breaks when Gi-Hun shifts his stare from the sky to Sang-Woo. And he finds himself turning his head away, like a reflex.

In his peripheral, he can make out Gi-Hun's mouth curving up. It doesn't go up to his ears, but it gives him a sensation. A sensation that's warm yet bolts pleasant shivers through his entire body.

"It was worth it, huh?" Gi-Hun says, almost smug but not enough to be annoying.

Sang-Woo nods, his mouth slowly curving up too.

It was worth it. No matter how much trouble they'll get in for this, he wouldn't regret it.


Sang-Woo feels fingers tapping the side of his knees, each tap a little more aggressive than the last. He looks down to find a hand, a folded piece of paper pressed between two fingers.

Sang-Woo's eyes turn to Gi-Hun's face, revealing a 'hurry' look.

He takes the note, and ever so discreetly, opens it under his desk.

'You wanna ditch class during break?' it reads.

Sang-Woo flits his head up at Gi-Hun, his mouth frowned and his eyebrows slightly tilted inwards with confusion and tenuous disappointment. This isn't something Gi-Hun would ever say. As much as he struggles with school, he would never cut class or abandon his studies. He would always try.

He takes a pencil and pushes the lead on the note. And under the offer, he writes his response: Let's talk during lunch.

Neither of them will have to wait long, there is only a short amount of time left before the clock strikes twelve.

He folds the paper once again, but maybe the unexpected question distracted him from being careful because before Gi-Hun can spot the paper, the teacher already has.

"What is that?" the teacher's voice seems to terminate any dregs of noise that may have been present.

Sang-Woo freezes. Both boys' hearts sink to their stomachs.

But Sang-Woo hides his hand back, closing it to cover the note.

"Nothing sir."

"No, no, I saw the paper. Are you trying to pass notes in class? To whom? Give it to me, I wanna see what you wrote." The teacher's questions fire rapidly, giving Sang-Woo no time to breathe or explain.

"Well? C'mon! I said I wanna see the note."

Sang-Woo gets up reluctantly, wringing the note in his palms.

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