I Love You, I Love You, I Love You

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Static silence traps Gi-Hun down the bedsheets. Curtains cover his window except for one crack that lets little daylight in the room.

His gaze on the ceiling, the still and humid atmosphere bring his mind back to that night.

He probably shouldn't have just left like that, but what could he do? It was Sang-Woo's decision to be a jerk. It was his decision not to apologize. At least, not that night. It's too late.

Gi-Hun isn't really angry at him, not really. He's just sad and maybe a little disappointed, but he's also scared that if he just let it happen, Sang-Woo would continue being like that.


And that's nothing like Sang-Woo's usual self. He's sweet and kind and lovely, and Gi-Hun loves him so much. He has for years. Years of them beside each other, holding hands, and (recently) kissing even.

They should've talked more about this. They should have talked and listened.

But Gi-Hun thinks about the terrible things Sang-Woo said to him yesterday, and the sadness sets back in.

There is a knock on his door before he hears it creak open. His mother comes into the room. "Gi-Hun!" she shouts. "You've been laying on that bed since you woke up. You haven't even had breakfast! Get up!"

Gi-Hun just groans, presses a pillow over his face, and turns away from her.

She sighs. Then, Gi-Hun hears her holding something plastic. "Sang-Woo told me to give this to you."

"I don't want it." His words muffle.

"Well, I'm not gonna keep it!" She tosses it on the bed. "Look, I don't know whatever the hell you two are fighting about, but if you're gonna be like this, I want it fixed immediately ." She exits the room.

Gi-Hun pulls the pillow away from his face and turns his eyes back on the ceiling.

What did he send? Gi-Hun tries to keep his eyes from checking it, but temptation overwhelms him, and he gets up and turns his head to see what it is.

It's a small, see-through plastic box. Inside it—is a boutonniere.

It's lavender with succulent, the blooming purple contrasting the peaceful green. Attached to the box is a sticky note. Gi-Hun rips it out and reads it.

I'm so sorry. Can we please talk? I love you, I love you, I love you. —Sang-Woo

Gi-Hun stares at it. Sang-Woo has been trying to call multiple times, but he either ignored it each time or had his mom pretend he wasn't home.

He crumples the paper in his hands and throws it across the room. He looks at the boutonniere and considers throwing it across the room too, but decides that's a little too harsh. Instead, he picks it up and opens the box. And he smells it.

The pleasant fragrance of the lavender permeates his nose. It is fresh. It reminds him a little bit of Sang-Woo's scent. The loving and comforting smell of one Cho Sang-Woo. And Gi-Hun longs for that scent again, for it to wrap around him like warm arms and let everything in him settle like the sand inside an hourglass.

Gi-Hun considers it. He's thought a lot about the situation and decides he should at least talk to Sang-Woo. He's always heard that you should never leave a fight unresolved, after all. He sets the box down and opens the curtains, letting daylight flood his room.

Their landline rings from outside. He hears someone pick it up. After a few moments, his mother opens the door and says, "Gi-Hun, it's Sang-Woo again. Should I say you're still gone?"

Before You Go to SNU | Sang-Woo x Gi-Hun Squid Game Fanfic | High School AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora