I walked over to her, and she noticed me walking over to her, she eyed me weirdly. I waved at her, "Um..hello.." She raised her eyebrow, "Um.. English, you speak?" I said while pointing to my mouth, she tilted her head to the side.

I remembered a few words in Russian so I tried my best to pronounce it correctly, " pomoshch'...den'gi?"( "Help, money?") She held her hand out, I gave her two hundred dollars. She looked at it and picked at it and smirked. She typed something on her phone and held it out to me, it was a translator.

I typed into it, 'I am in need of help, I do not have a place to stay. I have never been here before, I came from (Hometown/city name) and my phone died.' She read it and looked interested, she then typed something and handed me her phone back. 'No wonder you have a shit ton of money, I actually have a friend who can help. Don't worry, she won't hurt you...hopefully.'

I felt my stomach turn, should I really go with this friend? I typed something in and gave her phone back, she laughed. I had typed ' Then I want my money back, I don't want to be in danger.' She dials up someone and talks to said person on the phone, after a while she hangs up.

"Wait..." I looked at her as she tried speaking English, she pointed to herself, "Anna." I smiled and pointed to myself, "(Y/n)."

We waited for a while, maybe an hour. Anna gave me a water and some type of bread, it was good. I saw her messing with her motorcycle, at least I think its hers, and as I watched her fiddle with the handle bars, a car pulls up. And inside the car looked to be a women and a man, Anna walked me over to them. I hid behind her, I got nervous especially since they are complete strangers.

They talked to each other and I held the empty water bottle tight. The man looked at me, I noticed how he kept smiling, it was creepy. "Thank you Anna for calling us, I think we can take her and give her the help she needs." My jaw dropped, HE SPEAKS ENGLISH?!

"What is your name?" He asked me, "(y/n).." The lady next to him unlocked the door, "You can come in, I know you're afraid, but I can assure you we won't hurt you." I sighed and entered the back seat of the car, gently closing the door behind me. I set my camping backpack on the side of me and purse full of money on the floor in between my feet.

"Alrighty, let's go now. And (Y/n), put on your seat belt." I fastened my seat belt, and he drove off, I waved to Anna and she smiled at me and turned away. I looked to the ginger hair lady, she is very built, with pretty green eyes and freckles. The man next to her is very skinny, and has blonde, puffy hair and had makeup on his eyes. What a strange duo.

The lady turned to me and awkwardly smiled at me, I looked down at my hands. The man spoke, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Glam. And the women next to me is my lovely wife, Victoria." I looked at her and she crossed her arms, maybe she doesn't understand what he is saying.

"Ah I see.." He pushed a few buttons on his radio and the song "Were not gonna take it" from Twisted Sister played. Ohhh, so he styles himself off of them. He would rock his head here and there and Victoria would sing along, it was pretty funny.

After a while, we finally made it to a house. It looked pretty dark and gothic, very unique compared to the other normal looking houses. He parked and got off, he saw Victoria opening the door opposite to me and he opened the door for me, "Don't worry (Y/n), Vicky just wants to help carry your packsack inside. It looks a bit heavy for you,"

I got off, clutching my purse tightly. We walked to the door and entered inside. I looked around, it didn't seem to show off any red flags. It was pretty neat, no signs of anyone inside. I followed them to the living room, Vicky set my packsack down and she went off. Glam sat down the couch and gestured for me to sit, I sat at the end.

"Now that's over and done, I was informed that you were in some sort of dilemma. Victoria and I will do our best to help you, we are giving you a place to stay. Which is here." I listened closely, Vicky came and handed me a plate of warm pancakes topped with syrup and a fork. I gave her a small smile and grabbed the plate, picking at it.

Glam noticed, "(Y/n), I can assure you, its not poisoned. I cooked it this morning for my two sons, and luckily there was some leftovers. I know you must be a little hungry." I cut a piece and ate, it was really good.

"As I mentioned, I have two sons, Heavy is the youngest, he'll be happy to met you. My oldest son, Dee, can come off as uninterested and cold. But I think he'll be comfortable with you, seeing as you look to be his age." I placed the empty plate on the counter, so its a family of four.

"Now, (Y/n), if you want us to help you, you have to openly honest and tell me what exactly is going on in your life. If you don't feel comfortable telling me now, I will give you space, but preferably I would like to know as soon as possible." Maybe I can wait a few days until I tell him, after all they can be a family of murders or drug lords.

"I want to also let you know right now that my family is most important to me, I brought in a complete stranger into our house, for all we know you can be a thief or have intensions of harming us. Which is why I want to know what's going on with your life." Ah shit, that is true, well I guess it won't be a bad thing to tell him..

" I understand, it'll be a bit complicated to explain.." Glam gestured for me to continue, I shifted in my seat. I sighed and began telling him the lie of a life I was living.

Hey guyssss so uh, hopefully I didn't end the chapter badly... I sorta rushed it in between the time skips, but hopefully this chapter was good 😩

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