Hey mother ):

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Few weeks later

It's now Summer and everyone is on break. Lily is on trip to Paris for a bit, Ricky is home a lot hanging with his dad. Ej is working at Starbucks to help him pay for his senior year stuff and keeping him occupied during the summer. Carlos hasn't talked to Micheal since the end of year party seeing him kiss his Ex girlfriend. Michael ended up asking Seb and became official later on but with a nasty twist.

@Rickys house
Ricky was in his bed reading a book. He was getting to the climax of the story when  he heard a fimilar scary voice from downstairs as he didn't want to believe it. Not at all. He continued reading holding himself in, even the voice got louder when he was forced himself to drag his body downstairs. While going down he heard the sound of the lunatic in his house. Mother

Mike: You two can't walk in here like your entitled here!
Lynne: oh take Mike! Cause last time I checked, you forgot to remove me from the house plan
Todd: we are here already here, what are you going to do about it either way!
Ricky: Umm d dad?!
Lynne: Ricky baby!
Ricky's mom approached  closer to him
Mike: Stay away from him!
Lynne: what?! I can't see my son?
Mike: You lost that privilege long time ago!
Lynne: ugh still can't get over the past huh, can you Mike

Ricky: what are doing here mom!?
Lynne: so glad you ask, at least someone here has manners
Mike: the Fuck is it Lynne!
Lynne: Todd got a job at salt lake but our credits and records aren't good enough to buy a house here so we're going to move in here
Mike: Umm The Fuck not! You already hurt our son enough! He doesn't need you back into that
Lynne: Oh Mike. Mike Mike Mike. This is more than that. Don't you want our son -
Mike: My son!
Lynne: whatever, your son to not live without a mother
Mike: he already is And he's surviving

The pressure was sweating in all other Ricky's face and couldn't deal with it. He ran back up to his room, slamming the door against his will shattering the glass in his windows
Mike: Ricky!
Ricky opened the door swiftly with his backpack and zoomed out as as fast as he could exiting the front door.
Todd: look what you did Mike! Making your son leave the house
Mike: I know damm well it's not my god damm fault unlike you breaking this whole family!
Lynne: Don't Speak on my fiancé like that!
Mike : or what?!
Todd and Lynne walked up Mike face staring

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now