I was such an idiot, I agreed to let a killer come into my house. What was I thinking?!

I don't know what to say.. should I move? Should I attack? Should I cower in fear?

No, the whole point of me agreeing was for me to bust this killer. I was going to take this killer down myself. Showing the fatal mistakes of his downfall was my plan, then calling the police.

??: "6 PM on the dot huh?".

My heart sank lower than I thought it could. I wanted to scream nothing would of came out.

??: " I climb in and you're in the shower?? You had all of this time darling. Unless.. you wanted me to walk in on you showering?".

Y/n: " P-plea-se leave the bathroom". I barley managed to speak.

??: " Aww.. I wanted to get a peak at that body of yours.. Whatever you say sweet cheeks".

Sweet cheeks, really??

He exited the bathroom but I knew he didn't leave the house, I don't think he was planning on leaving for a while.

I finished up my shower as slow as I could hopeing he would leave. He never did, he was lying on my bed when I got into my room. I forgot my cloths in my room, of course.

I looked over at him to see he wasn't moving. He was wearing the same stuff he had worn in the pictures and in that picture I found. It had to be him.

I had decided he was asleep when I hit my desk on accident and whispered, "Fuck" .

I didn't feel like going down stairs to the bathroom again to change.. so I decided since he was asleep I could just change here.

I let the towel down gently not to awaken the murder only feet from me. I faced away from him so he could only see my backside if he woke up.

I was able to get my bra and underwear on before I heard a noise behind me. I didn't have enough time to turn around before I felt to cold hands on my hips.

His touch sent shivers down my whole body. He knew that I had reacted and inched down a little, causing me to let out a faint sigh.

I felt the warmth of him by my ear as I heard him say, " Are you trying to tease me, darling? Two can play that game.."

Before I could react his hands where slowly inching towards my inner thigh. I froze not knowing what to do. Was this assault? Or did.. I like it...

I could still feel the warmth of his body as one of his hand was now a little too close to a certain part.

He stopped his hand. Thank God he did, I didn't know how much more I could take.

He pulled me in and hugged me from behind. His warmth was somewhat comforting.. for some odd reason.

Comforting till I realized he was rock hard.

Y/n:"Oh my God" I said softly as I felt his dick throbbed on my back due to the height difference between us.

??: " I can't help it.. you make me so happy, as well as my friend down here. You could make me and my friend more happier by letting me rail you.. I think you'd like that as well..". He trailed his hand up my inner thigh.

Y/n: "Please just let me get dressed..".

??:"You come into here half naked while I was asleep expecting me to let you go?".

Y/n:" Yeah.. so do it.. please".

??:"Fine. But sooner or later you'll be begging for something else.." he left the room.

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